Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Research Proposal on Business Strategy - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2539 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Narrative essay Level High school Did you like this example? Research proposal on business strategy Abstract Strategy and strategic planning is very important to maintain a business in a good way. It helps to be topper in the market. Mission, vision, goal, objective, and core competencies got new life through strategic planning. Ansoffà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s growth matrix, space matrixes are one of the factors that is needed to create strategic planning. So this thing is essential to flight in the market with quality and value for money product Introduction The success of a company depends how the management drives the company. Without making a good and efficient strategy it is impossible for a company to carry out their business successfully. The more efficient the strategies are of a company are the chances or probabilities are higher to see the face of the success. As mentioned that every business needs strategies which can be for long time or short time. Without strategy ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s not possible for any business to exist. Nowadays with the changing world it has become very tough for the companies to compete with their competitors and keep themselves alive in the market. With the changing world the tool of strategies has also been changed. It helps the businesses to do it in a more efficient ways nowadays, which was not possible before. Here on the report we will see how the business strategies of different companies are helping the businesses to run more efficiently and successfully. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Research Proposal on Business Strategy" essay for you Create order Organisational overview à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ICI Bangladesh Manufacturers Limited was a subsidiary of world renowned multinational ICI Plc and was a listed public limited company under Dhaka Stock Exchange. In 1992 ICI Plc divested its shareholding through a management buyout and the company name was changed from ICI Bangladesh Manufacturers Limited to Advanced Chemical Industries (ACI) Limited. ACI Formulations Limited, a subsidiary of ACI, became a public listed company through direct listing. ACI has diversified into four major strategic business divisions which include Health Care, Consumer Brands, Agribusinesses and Retail Chain.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ The Process of Strategic Planning Our Mission Mission of a company tells us about an organisation purpose, why do they exist and the reasons for existing. It also defines who your customers are, identify the products which you will serve and in which area you want to operate. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“ACIà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s mission is to enrich the quality of life of people through responsible application of knowledge, skills and technology. ACI is committed to the pursuit of excellence through world-class products, innovative processes and empowered employees to provide the highest level of satisfaction to its customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . ACI mission is to satisfy the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s needs by providing better quality products to their customers. They also want to enrich their customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ needs through their knowledge, skills, and technology. Our Vision A vision can be defined as an image of the future which a company wants to create. A companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s vision is all about their future plans with aims and objectives. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“To realize the mission ACI will: Endeavour to attain a position of leadership in each category of its businesses. Attain a high level of productivity in all its operations through effective and efficient use of resources, adoption of appropriate technology and alignment with our core competencies. Develop its employees by encouraging empowerment and rewarding innovation. Promote an environment for learning and personal growth of its employees. Provide products and services of high and consistent quality, ensuring value for money to its customers. Encourage and assist in the qualitative improvement of the services of its suppliers and distributors. Establish harmonious relationship with the community and promote greater Environmental responsibility within its sphere of influenceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . ACIà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s vision is to be the leader in the industry, by providing better quality and also by providing reasonable price. Our Objectives Objective is a specific result that a company aims to achieve by using their resources within a time frame. Objectives of the company are more specific. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s mostly about companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s all planning and strategic activities. ACI also have some objectives like other companies. Their strategic objective is to increase market share and capturing market leading position by providing good quality and being honest. Their functional objective is to work on department wise. Then the individual objective of ACI is to work on their particular department like promotional departments work is to advertise the product more attractively to influence the customers. Our Goal Goal is something which leads a company to its success. Along with companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s mission, vision, objectives etc, it is also a part of them. Every company wants to achieve it. ACIs goal is to provide harmless aerosol with good quality in low price to their customers. Core competence Core competencies are major strengths or strategic advantages for a company. It is mixer of expertise and technical abilities that a company has which creates a competition in the business market. It helps a company to be unique from others and it is quite tough for other companies to copy it Factors That Need to Create any Strategic Plan Strategic thinking Is the mental process of an individual which is applied to achieve a goal or to achieve a success. In organizations strategic thinking is mainly done by the top management. It can be done by an individual or by a group which is more effective then the individual because group strategic thinking helps to share ideas. Top managers and chief executives are basically responsible for this work. Strategic thinking can create competitive advantages, which will benefit the organization. Competition Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s the contest of being better by a person or organization through competing with others. For organizations competitions are mainly for capturing more customers by making lower the price, keep the treed secrets, providing better quality etc. Customer needs Customer has some needs from the organizations and those are service, price, quality, action and appreciation Service à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Customer always want better services from the organization whatever they purchase. If the customer faces any problem with the product or service, they want the problem to be solved early. Price à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Customer always want the product in low or reasonable price. Price is a very important factor for any organization because customer buys the product if the price is comfortable for them. Quality à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Customer always want better quality product from the organization. If the product quality is better, customer do not think about the price and the product should be durable and comfortable for the customer. Action à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Organization should response on the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s objection or any kind of problem and the problem should be solved immediately. For the action the organization can provide after sale service through which the organization can response to the need for action. Appreciation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Organization should appreciate the customers through which the customer can feel valuable. Organization appreciates the customers by welcoming, saying thank you. They can be also appreciated by recognizing through this the customer can become permanent for the organization. Ten think organization need to know about their customers Who they are: To find out or identify the customers, gender, age, marital status and occupation. And if the organization is doing b2b business then the organization should identify the size and kind of business. What they do: Organization should identify the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s occupation and interest. Why they buy: Organization should identify why the customer buy their product or service. It will help the organization to match the customer needs with their products. When they buy: If the organization can understand when the customer will buy the product, and if the organization can provide the product at that time there is a huge possibility for success. How they buy: In todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s world customer buy the product or service through web site or face to face and the organization should understand the buying pattern of customers through which they can be benefited. How muc h money they have: If the organization can understand the financial situation of customer, it will be helpful for the organization to provide the product or service based on the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s affordability. What makes them feel good about buying: If the organization can understand the feelings of the customer, it will help the organization to serve according to their preference. What they expect of you: If the organization can satisfy the customers expectation there will be possibility of repeat business. What they think about you: Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s very important for the organization to understand what the customer thinks about them. What they think about your competitors: If the organization can understand what the customer thinks about their competitors, it helps to create competitive advantage and also to stay ahead from the competitor. Competitive advantage Competitive advantage is a very important factor for any organization. Basically comparative advantage is the benefits or advantage given by the organization then the competitors. It helps to stay ahead and in better position than the competitors. It can be create by providing low price, better quality etc. through competitive advantage an organization can capture more customer which will increase the sale and profit. Competitive advantage can be two types 1-Comparative advantage 2-Differential advantage Comparative advantage: ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a cost advantage, which means the organization is providing the product or service in low price compare to their competitors. Differential advantage: It means the organization is providing the products or services which are different in quality (better quality) then the competitors. Ansoffà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s growth-vector matrix Market penetration: It means existing product in existing market. Product development: It means new products in existing market. Market development: It means ex isting product in new market. Diversification: It means new product in new market. Planning system Top down planning: It means strategy or the plan are made by the top management and the then its send to the lower level for doing the activities according to the strategy or plan. Bottom up planning: Here the strategy or plan is taken by the lower level and then send it to the higher level management for the approval, so that the lower management can work based on their strategy. Behavioral approach It is mainly about the relationship with each other, behavioral approach basically about the social, political and cultural situation of an organization. there are four factors. Problem awareness- Sometimes in organization problem arises, like the management provides such work to the employees which they are not able to do. At that time there is a possibility of raising problems. Problem diagnoses: In this situation the managers try to identify the problems by analyzing or going insight the problem. Solution search: Here the manager tries to find out the solution of the problem by consulting with others. Memory search à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" To use the solution witch was used before. Passive search à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Wafting for the solution. Solution selection: To select the appropriate solution Eliminate unacceptable plan- To ignore unnecessary plans. Endorsement à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" To ignore lower employees for taking any decisions. Evaluate the effectiveness of techniques used when developing strategic business plans. Boston consulting group (BCG) Bruce D. Henderson created BCG matrices in 1970 to understand or identify what kind of resources and finances need to be used for the organization. BCG matrices help the organization for applying appropriate strategy through which they can identify the performance of the organization. BCG Matrix BCG matrix Stars: In star the market growth and market share is very high which means the organization in leading position because of the high market share they are able to utilize much investment in business. Cash cow: In cash cow the market share is very high and the market growth is very low. Here the organization have more money compare to their growth. Question mark: In question mark the market share is very low and the market growth is very high, they do not have much cash for that they are not able to invest. Dogs: In dogs market share and market growth is very low, usually the businesses those are in decline stage fall in dogs. As they do not have much cash so they are not able to invest. Space matrix Management usually use space matrix to analyze the organization, it helps the organization to identify the appropriate strategy or decision it needs. Through space matrix organization cam understand its current situation, it also helps which strategy the organization should follow: Conservative, aggressive, defensive or competitive. Space matrix suggests the organization for different issues: Financial strength, industrial strength, competitive strength and environmental strength. Internal strategic dimension Financial strength: here all the financial factors are included such as ROI, liquidity, working capital and cash flow. In financial strength one is the worst and six is the best variable. Competitive advantage Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s when an organization is providing advantages to the customers then the competitors. In competitive advantage -1 is the best and -6 is the worst va riable. External strategic dimensions Industry strength- industrial strength helps the organization to develop through growth potential, profit potential, and financial stability. In this strength 1 is the worst and 6 is the best variable. Environmental stability Environmental stability is the situation of the market where the technological changes, inflation, demand variability, price range of competitive products, risk of the industry, barriers to enter or exit the market are included. Here -1 is the best and -6 is the worst variable. Space matrix Conservative strategy Here the market share and market growth is very low which means the organization is in dog position and the organization is also very weak, for avoiding this position the organization can create competitive advantages or they can target niche market. They can also go for diversification. In this situation they should avoid market penetration, product development and market development. Ag gressive strategy The organizations economic concision is good which means they can create competitive advantage through their economical strength. In aggressive strategy the organization can use backward integration and forward integration. Backward integration is about vertical integration where the supplier will be eliminated. Through backward integration the organization will be beneficial and can make more profit. Forward integration is also about vertical integration where the distributor will be eliminated, it also helps the organization to make more profit. Defensive strategy Here the organization have less competitive product and they also have less financial strength for that they need to improve internal weakness and avoid external threads. Competitive strategy In this strategy the organization is in good situation where they can create competitive advantages. They also have a financial weakness because of the environmental instability. Conclusion Strategy is very much essential for any business, without a proper and appropriate strategy a business cannot be able to run successfully. Strategy helps the employees to work based on it, through which they can understand their role. Strategy is basically not for long time, it depends on the demand of the situation because every strategy is not appropriate for every situation. Usually the top management makes the strategy for the organization and lower management follow that strategy. In todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s world an organization cannot fight against competitors without an appropriate strategy. Therefore in this research proposal, it is proven that an organization definitely needs strategy to run. Reference Riley, P R, 2011.Business Strategy. 4th ed. new delhi: viva books. aci limited, (2000)company profile, https://www.aci-bd.com/corporate.php, 27/02/2013 aci limited, (2000)Mision Vision, https://www.aci-bd.com/mission-vision.php, 26/02/2015
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Problem Of A Social Problem Essay - 1450 Words
†¢ My understanding of a social problem is that a substantial group of individuals consider an issue to be problematic and that the matter in question does not reconcile itself between the good of the group and what has been done for society. Although the issue can be advantageous for some members of a culture or community, it can be detrimental to others and therefore must be examined. b) What are some social problems that currently exist in society? †¢ Problems that occur recycle themselves over time in a society. As an example, in the 1950’s many people believed that there could be a nuclear war at any time. Today, even though we have disarmed many nuclear warheads, the threat of a war is still a concern from nations who desire to use nuclear power as a weapon. Another concern is economic stability. During the â€Å"Great Depression†many people were out of work and families stood in soup lines to be fed. Today our economic situation is still a concern and we have shelters and foundations to feed and care for those unable to find work. Our government has also provided programs whereby individual and families can obtain food and shelter while trying to find work. I also recognize that many have given up the quest to find employment. Some other social concerns in society are: education, wage equality, and human trafficking only to name a few in the mountain of issues we face today. c) How do sociologists define a social problem? †¢ Every society and culture has rolesShow MoreRelatedSocial Problems Of A Social Problem Essay1458 Words  | 6 Pages Social Problem a) What is a Social Problem? †¢ My understanding of a social problem is that a substantial group of individuals consider an issue to be problematic and that the matter in question does not reconcile itself between the good of the group and what has been done for society. 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Bo had even said that if he wouldn’t have been on drugs, he would’ve been able to afford Arthur’s education at St. Joseph’s, and that possiblyRead MoreHealth Problems That Are Labeled As Social Problem1286 Words  | 6 PagesHealth problems that are labeled as social problems, affects the physical, mental health, and impact communities and society as a whole. Socioeconomic statue is based on a person’s position in society and the level of educational attainment, occupation, and household income. A person level of education, income and occupation has a great influenced on one’s health and the mean to have a good health insurance. In the United States, low socioeconomic status is associated with lower life expectancy
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Defining Capitalism and Command Economies Free Essays
Defining Capitalism and Command Economies of Economics â€Å"Economics is the study of how wealth is created and distributed†which, includes â€Å"the products produced and sold by business†(Pride, Hughes, amp; Kapoor, 2011, p. 10). When studied, it is the science or the financial considerations of the buying, selling, and the production of goods and services that are consumed by our world and its people. We will write a custom essay sample on Defining Capitalism and Command Economies or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are two different perspectives when studying economics. Microeconomics and macroeconomics are different in that microeconomics is the study of the individual and business decisions that affect the economy, whereas macroeconomics is the study of national and global economy (Pride et al, 2011, p. 10). Together, micro and macroeconomics examine the decisions of individuals, businesses, the government, and society and how all of these people deal with making and distributing the money that is derived from the production of services and goods. These decisions combined with the prosperity of the nation, determine the economy. There are two different economic systems in today’s world. Capitalistic nations and those nations that are run under command economies are the two systems that can be found across the globe. The two systems differ in two major ways. First, they vary in the ownership of the factors of production. These factors are the land and natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship (Pride et al, 2011, pp. 10-11). Second, the way that particular nations system answers four questions listed by Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor (2011), determines a nation’s economy (p. 11). Those four questions listed are concerning what products, how the products, for whom the products are produced and who owns and controls the major factors of production as aforementioned. One major understanding on the impact a nation’s economic system has on all the economic activities of its citizens is when there is a consideration that a country’s system determines how the factors of production are used to meet the needs of the society it supports (Pride et al, 2011, p. 11). An eighteenth century Scottish economist, Adam Smith published a book in 1776, called Wealth of Nations. Smith argued that a â€Å"society’s interests are best served when the individuals within that society are allowed to pursue their own self-interest†(Pride et al, 2011, p. 11). Smith came up with a term called the â€Å"invisible hand†which describes how people work hard when they know they can benefit financially from the goods or services they can provide and as a result, these personal financial gains benefit others and that nation’s economy. Pride et al (2011), discusses how the success of people in the community and therefore the success of the nation, can be tied indirectly to the success of the individual small business owners (p. 1). Smith’s ideas promote individuals should have the ability to succeed and create wealth by owning property and resources. The government should not be involved in the market and should be limited to government duties owed to the nation. This system Smith describes, is known as laissez faire, declares the government should have no interference in the economy and solely provide defense against enemies, ensure internal order, and furnish public works and education (Pride et al, 2011, p. 2). Smith also believes in the concept of market economy, where the producers and buyers of good and services determine the amount produced and the selling price. As stated earlier, resources should be owned by individuals and they should be entitled to use and sell their goods as they choose, in addition to enjoying the benefits from ownership of these resources (Pride et al, 2011, p. 12). Very different from that of a capitalistic nation, is the economic system, called a command economy. Whereas capitalism suggests individuals own and operate the majority of businesses that provide goods and services; the government decides what goods and services, how they are produced, for whom will they be available to, and who owns and controls those four major factors of production discussed earlier in command economies (Pride et al, 2011, p. 14). In essence, the government is the controlling and deciding entity of how the resources are used and produced and by whom they are controlled by. Today, most countries that fall within a command economy are considered to be a socialistic economy. Key industries such as transportation, communications, utilities, banking, and important industries that produce material such as steel are owned by the government (Pride et al, 2011, p. 14-15). Although small private businesses may be allowed to certain degrees, many citizens work in state-owned industries. Communism is another example of a command economy. This is a â€Å"classless society whose citizens together owned all economic resources†(Pride et al, 2011, p. 15). These citizens would then contribute to the economy as they could and would receive benefits that were needed back from the distributions by the government. Different than a socialist economy, workers do not have much of any choice when given a job, but those who had special skills or talents were often viewed as being compensated more than that of an average citizen. Often citizens of command economies go without the essential needs or the wants of society because the supply of good and services is determined by the government and not the consumers themselves. Today, many traditional countries that were though of socialist nations are transitioning to a free-market economy. According to Pride et al (2011), this is also considered a market economy where businesses and individuals decide what to produce and buy, and the market determines prices and quantities sold. Communism is fading out and these economies are now similar to what was considered socialist. Northern Korea and Cuba are probably two countries that are the best examples of today’s communist economies whereas those that once were thought of communist countries are now considered socialist or even capitalist nations. The United States falls under what is considered a mixed economy, where there is both capitalism and socialism. Free market economies, which fall under capitalism, are those nations currently transitioning such as France, Sweden, and India (Pride et al, 2011, pp. 10-15). References Pride, W. M. , Hughes, R. J. , amp; Kapoor, J. R. (2011). Foundations of business (2nd ed. ). Mason, OH: South-Western. How to cite Defining Capitalism and Command Economies, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Brand Strategies and Customer Experiences †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Brand Strategies and Customer Experiences. Answer: Introduction The concept of luxury has become greatly ambiguous due to their high availability. In the current world where people are competing to show off their wealth to attain social recognition, one such way is by owning various luxury goods. This feeling is mostly observed in youngsters which results in innumerous factors that influence them to consume luxury products. The purpose of this study is to highlight these factors and understand the depth of their persuasion. It is important to understand the various factors that contribute to such behavior of people when it comes to owning luxury products (Gentina, Shrum and Lowrey 2016). With the rapid growth of technology and the zeal to be on top in every aspect of life, it becomes imperative for youngsters to follow all the latest trends. It is not an easy task to streamline the factors that may influence young peoples attitude towards consuming the luxury products but this research shall help to get a hold on a few the important factors that may play a huge role in modulating their behavior towards it. This research will unfold many important aspects of human behavior towards luxury product consumption. The demand for luxury goods is increasing gradually as the individuals have higher income and more consumption opportunities. The rich people have no monopoly on the luxury goods due to the expansion and growth in the market of luxury goods. The social status and motives drive luxury consumption and is important for shaping the buying process (Ko, Phau and Aiello 2016). Research Objectives The research objectives that shall be met through this research study would be: To determine the attitude of young people towards luxury products consumption. To review the literature on the factors that enhances purchase intention amongst the youth. To explore the relationship between attitude and purchase intention of luxury products. To determine the nature of products mostly used by the youth and the reasons behind their popularity. To examine the relationship between quality of products and buying behavior of luxury products. The three basic classes of goods are: luxury, inferior and needs. According to Songer (2014), the basic necessities such as food and accommodation own the biggest market share. The consumption of goods increases with the increase in peoples income. The words luxury is derived from the Latin word luxus that means comfort, abundance, soft living. According to Ajitha and Sivakumar (2017), luxury products have a limited supply. From the perspective of economics, luxury goods are categorized as luxury on the needs depending on elasticity (Tuu, Olsen and Cong 2017). The consumers have a tendency to not only consider the performance of the product, but also the quality. Quality performance has been applied in various contexts and at different key levels such as loss avoidance, value, and fitness for use. Quality can be assessed for both pre-purchase and post-purchase and do not depend on a particular transaction. This study defines quality performance as the indicator of buying behavior (Park, Kim, Kwak and Wyer 2014). People purchase luxury goods for numerous reasons such as being high class and high quality. According to Young and Combs (2016), quality impacts purchase intention that in turn raises customer satisfaction and intention. A research study conducted by Zhang and Kim (2013) stated that the respondents showed positive attitudes towards luxury products. The purchase intention can be divided into four groups: regular, hard, potential and disinterested luxury consumers (Nwankwo, Hamelin and Khaled 2014). Research Methodology Research method is a systematic plan for conducting research. This section states the approaches and design chosen for the purpose of this study. Data collection refers to a process of collecting data. This study shall choose primary and secondary research methods for collecting data. Primary data refers to the method in which the data is gathered from the respondents directly. This method is reliable as the data collected shall be reliable and helpful in measuring the attitude of young people towards purchase and consumption of luxury products. Secondary method refers to collecting data from the previous studies conducted by researchers and scholars. This method shall be helpful in gathering data from the previous studies conducted and establish relationship between different variables such as purchase behavior and consumption of luxury goods (Gentina, Shrum and Lowrey 2016)s. To gather data, self-administered surveys shall be distributed to 120 people. The respondents shall participate in the research study and answer the survey questions. For qualitative data, interview shall be conducted for 20 participants where they can express their opinions and intention in detail. This study shall use deductive approach in which the aimed theory is tested. A set of hypotheses shall be formulated at the beginning of the research that shall be chosen to test and proven right or wrong. The study shall utilize the qualitative and quantitative approach. The quantitative analysis shall be done by representing data in numerical figures. The qualitative analysis shall be done to examine the reasoning behind purchase behavior of luxury goods consumption. As the purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that may influence young peoples attitude towards consuming the luxury products, raw data shall be collected from the target audience from the youngsters from age 19 to 35 years. Now being said that, it would be easier if sample data from the university, say a group of 100 university students from Fashion Designing branch. The quantitative approach shall use tools such as survey that shall comprise of Likert-scale questionnaire. The data shall be analyzed using Cronbachs alpha SPSS to measure consistency. Open ended questionnaire can be prepared for qualitative analysis of data. Conclusion The research study is expected to deliver results that factor such as high income and social status increase the luxury goods consumption. The youth are mainly influenced by factors that represent social symbol and status because of which the luxury goods consumption is expected to be high. Positive attitude is expected to increase luxury goods consumption. References Ajitha, S. and Sivakumar, V.J., 2017. Understanding the effect of personal and social value on attitude and usage behavior of luxury cosmetic brands.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,39, pp.103-113. Gentina, E., Shrum, L.J. and Lowrey, T.M., 2016. Teen attitudes toward luxury fashion brands from a social identity perspective: A cross-cultural study of French and US teenagers.Journal of Business Research,69(12), pp.5785-5792. Ko, E., Phau, I. and Aiello, G., 2016. Luxury brand strategies and customer experiences: Contributions to theory and practice.Journal of Business Research,69(12), pp.5749-5752. Nwankwo, S., Hamelin, N. and Khaled, M., 2014. Consumer values, motivation and purchase intention for luxury goods.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,21(5), pp.735-744. Park, J., Kim, K., Kwak, J. and Wyer Jr, R.S., 2014. Priming thoughts about extravagance: Implications for consumer decisions about luxury products.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied,20(1), p.40. Randhawa, P., Calantone, R.J. and Voorhees, C.M., 2015. The pursuit of counterfeited luxury: An examination of the negative side effects of close consumerbrand connections.Journal of Business Research,68(11), pp.2395-2403. Tuu, H.H., Olsen, S.O. and Cong, L.C., 2017. Patterns of Vietnamese buying behaviors on luxury branded products.Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,29(4), pp.778-795.
Friday, November 29, 2019
The Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ
Introduction The person of Christ has been the center of theological debates in both Christian and non-Christian arenas. Theologians and philosophers have attempted to define the person of Christ using human and divine attributes, which Christ portrays. Moreover, the prophets and disciples provided insights about the person of Christ, which have enhanced the definition of Christ using both the human nature and the divine nature.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Among Christians, Christ is the savior of humanity. The apostasy of humanity compelled God to devise means of saving humans from sin and averting their eternal condemnation. In this view, God sent Christ to save humanity by becoming flesh through normal birth, living as an example, preaching about the Kingdom of God, and shedding His blood to redeem humans from their sin s. Frame (2013) holds that Jesus Christ is â€Å"our Lord, Savior, Redeemer, King, Friend, Shepherd, Leader, and Teacher†(887). Essentially, the person of Christ and His works portray Him as the savior of humanity in the world in which the sins have pervaded. Therefore, the research paper aims to describe the person of Christ and His works in relation to the divine nature and the human nature. The Person of Christ Virginal Conception of Jesus Christ To execute some of His roles such as the salvation of the humankind, Christ took the human nature and bore all the attributes of men. The human life of Christ is evident in the various aspects of His life from birth until death. It is imperative to understand that Christ was born of a woman, who was a virgin. The birth of Christ was not unique for it occurred like other births of babies. As a result, several people view Christ as the son of Joseph, a mere carpenter (Placher 2001, 7). Moreover, when Christ was born, He went throug h the stages and processes that Jews undergo. For instance, after 8 days, the Jews named and initiated Christ according to their culture. The element of initiation and naming after 8 days was very instrumental in compounding the human nature of Christ and increasing the bond between Him and humanity. Humanity of Christ To affirm His human nature, Christ also felt emotional and physical pain just like other humans. When Lazarus, who was the brother of Mary and Martha, died and stayed in the grave for three days, He demonstrated emotions like ordinary humans. Owen (2001) explains that Christ shed tears, which is an emotional demonstration that takes place during an unfortunate demise of a close family or friend (22).Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the scripture, Christ wept when He saw the suffering that mourners like Martha and Mary experienced due to the loss of their brother (John 10:35 [King James Version]). Moreover, Jesus Christ felt the physical pain when the Romans and Jews tortured and crucified Him. After the death Christ, Joseph of Arimathea took His body and buried it in a grave. The events of death and burial reflect aspects of human nature since all humans must die when their lifetimes on earth end. Christ as a Spirit The spirit form of Christ is evident in several scenarios that occurred during His life on earth. Disciples of Christ witnessed some of the events that distinguished the human nature of Christ and demonstrated His spiritual person. When Christ was only 12 years of age, He surprised the elders in the synagogue with His extensive knowledge concerning the issues of the scripture. The extensive knowledge of the scripture that Christ had is one of the factors that distinguished Him from other children of His age (Placher 2001, 6). In addition, during the baptism of Christ, unique anointment and spiritual presence of God demonstrated the existence of the trinity and the spiritual nature of Christ. Deity of Christ Some of the events that reveal the spiritual person of Christ include the transfiguration and incarnation. During transfiguration, Christ appeared to be more of spiritual than human. Transfiguration is one the activities that can only materialize in the spiritual form of a person. Other major factors that show the divinity and the deity of the spirit person of Christ include the events such as the one that transpired during his baptism in the River Jordan (Frame 2013, 889). When John baptized Christ, a dove landed on His head and a voice spoke from heaven confirming that indeed Christ was the beloved son of God. The voice from heaven spoke and said that, â€Å"this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased†(Matt. 3:17). Therefore, the events that occurred during the baptism of Christ are very practical in portraying the spiritual person of Christ and creating a distinction betwee n Him and the humans.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Christ the Image of God and the Hypostatic Union The fact that Christ remained infallible irrespective of all manner of insults that He received during His lifetime on earth substantiates His spiritual person. The substantiation materializes since God is the only infallible being in heaven and on earth. Therefore, the infallible nature of Christ depicts Him as God, who took the form of man and operated as a complete spirit in the human form. According to the scripture, Christ explains that whoever has seen Him has already seen God, since God is in Him and He is in God (John14:9). It is imperative to highlight that Christ is a reflection of God and He is one of the members of the trinity. In the exposition of the hypostatic union, during His lifetime on earth, Christ lived as a human being and as a spirit. In essence, Christ had the form of a spirit and the form of a human being, all of which facilitated His role and work of salvation on earth. The concept of the hypostatic union explains that Christ did not only take a complete human nature, but He also took a complete spiritual being. The Work of Christ Savior and Priest Christ plays very important roles in the lives of Christians, who view Him as the savior, priest, and a prophet. When men sinned against God, Christ came to save them and restore the union between them and God. Through the act of sacrificing Himself for humanity, Christ played the role of a savior. The sacrifice that Christ made to save the humankind from the wrath of God was an act of reconciliation aimed at bringing together the union between God and humanity. The concept of sacrifice is very clear in the scripture because the disciples assert that, â€Å"while we were yet sinners Christ died for us†(Rom. 5:8). Furthermore , Christ is a priest, who sacrificed Himself for humanity to bring atonement. According to Placher (2001), as Christ understands the weaknesses of humans, He sympathizes and intercedes for them before God (4). The roles of cleansing humanity of their sins and interceding for their redemption are the roles of the savior and the priest. Prophet The ability of Christ to preach the word and pass commands from God to the humankind presents Him as a true prophet and clearly elucidates His prophetic role. For Christ represents the eternal life through His sacrifice to the humankind. The excellence that Christ demonstrated through His words and deeds from the scripture affirms His role as prophet (Owen 2001, 5).Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Although Christ came to the earth as a savior, Christians believe that a day is coming when Christ will come with a prophetic authority and every knee shall bow before Him (Phil. 2:10-11). The process and establishment of the prophetic authority held by Christ is one that is eternal and beyond human rule or influence. Conclusion During His lifetime on earth, Christ lived a life that represented the divine nature and the human nature. The representation of the person of Christ has been the center of controversy in the field of theology. As a result, the person of Christ has been the center of theological debates in both Christian and non-Christian arenas. The ability to combine the divine nature and human nature into one entity, Christ, is a phenomenon that theologians call ‘hypostatic union’. Some of the aspects that substantiate the argument that Christ was indeed a human being include the virgin conception, His humanity, and sufferings, whereas the elements that demon strate His divine nature person include the deity, infallible nature, savior of humanity, priesthood, and prophethood. During His time on earth, Christ played the roles such as prophet, savior, and priest. The roles are very practical in the life of several individuals, who profess the Christian religion. According to the Christians, these roles played by Christ are still functional and applicable in the daily engagements of life. Reference List Frame, John. 2013. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief. New Jersey, NJ: Presbyterian Reformed Publishing Company. King James Version. 2004. The Holy Bible. New York, NY: Hendrickson Publishers. Owen, John. 2001. The Person of Christ. New York, NY: Sovereign Grace Publishers. Placher, William. 2001. Jesus the Savior: The Meaning of Jesus Christ for Christian Faith. New York, NY: Westminster John Knox Press. This research paper on The Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ was written and submitted by user Annika Garcia to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Work-Related Project Analysis Essays
Work-Related Project Analysis Essays Work-Related Project Analysis Essay Work-Related Project Analysis Essay Work-Related Project Analysis Part 1 The analysis of a project is the breakdown of how a system interacts and works within all related components. A project analysis is the first step to designing any new changes for an organization. Systems analysis is (1) the survey and planning of the system and project, (2) the study and analysis of the existing business and information system, and (3) the definition of business requirements and priorities for a new or improved system. A popular synonym is logical design. Newton, 2013) An organization performs an analysis of an existing system to decide if changes will benefit the daily operations. The analysis performed must be accurate and reliable. Information Gathering There are many methods used to perform an analysis. The gathering of information is critical to implementing the right changes an organization may need. If the wrong information is gathered, the organization may waste time and money implementing a new system that either does no t work or is useless to the operations of the organization. Organizations need to know the correct billing and coding functions are being used on a daily bases. They may choose several different ways to gather information to ensure the facility compensated is gaining the maximum benefits. Physicians frequently miss home health charges. The laws governing each state have requirements a physician must abide to bill time for plan over site. Physicians need ways to keep track of who is eligible for home health. The physician also needs to monitor how much time is involved during a 30-day period. Interviews Interviews are one of the most common means to gather information. It is beneficial to the analysis to gather this information directly from those individuals who will be utilizing the new system. The interviews need proper planning and focus on each area of specialty. The best questions to ask are open-ended questions. These inquiries force the participant to give more information than just yes or no answers. When interviewing participants analyst should ask questions that enable a complete picture of what stakeholders need to create a system that is useful and cost effective. Questionnaires Questionnaires are a great way to ask questions of stakeholders without a direct face-to-face encounter. Questionnaires create a more relaxed response from participants. This is a great method to use when you have a large organization and need to interview a large group of people. However, one drawback to this method is participants may write responses just to complete the form or not even give a response. Prototypes Prototyping is another method in the arsenal of gathering information. This method based on information gathered and the system created; based on criteria produces a preliminary version. You show this to the client, who then gives you additional requirements. You change the application and cycle around with the client again. This repetitive process continues until the product meets the critical mass of business needs or for an agreed number of iterations (Mochal, 2008). Use Cases Use cases are stories from the actors that describe how the system currently works and â€Å"†¦describe how the solution works from a user perspective†(Mochal, 2008). This method is helpful to analysts by giving a more useful understanding of what the new system needs to do. Using this method requires the analysts to refine the information into a format that shows specific details to outline the structure of requirements needed. Direct Observations Direct observations can be most helpful when the stakeholder does not know how to explain in detail what goes on during a typical daily routine. In some cases, it might be more beneficial to take a ‘hands on approach’ to gain a better understanding of what is required. This method shows how the current system is used and will hopefully light the way to implementing better use of resources. Brainstorming Brainstorming can be most helpful when the organization does not really know what areas need improvement or need a more creative way to perform a desired outcome. Experts in the use of the current system will get together with a project manager and together think of creative solutions to issues the organization is currently experiencing. After all the ideas from the session are, collected management decides what ideas would best provide a solution(s) to issues. Based on these decisions a project manager then creates a proposal. Design Methods Designing a new system takes time and an understanding of what goal the organization is trying to gain. Designing a new home health system to gather patient information, monitor certification and recertification periods, and keep track of plan over site is the goal. Every project manager has to explore all of the possibilities needs to secure the desired goal. Divergence is having an understanding of constraints an organization may face when trying to keep track of the patient load, certification periods, and plan over site. A prototype was implementing to put together a working system to gain a better understanding and create a better functioning system. Building a new system to keep track of areas of interest also need to be sustainable. New systems must be realistic to use and maintain. The sustainability of a new system needs to user friendly. Designing a home health system for the organization will present a visual understanding of what each state will allow a physician to bill for. Analyze and Evaluate The home health system implemented in the organization keeps track of patients that are new to service as well as those who come off service. A scheduled time allotment monitors home health certification 60-day period; plan over site 30-day cycle monitored and billed according to state regulations. Management is ultimately responsible for monitoring these reports. The initial analysis of the new home health system showed a recovery potential of lost money. According to state regulations, the 60-day and 30-day billing cycles utilized are affecting the organization’s bottom-line in a positive manner. The organization suffered a great loss of money before the new system implemented changes. Project managers use three types of monitoring. According to Thomet and Vozza (2010) They happen at different levels of the logical framework and serve different functions: 1) implementation monitoring is operational: it monitors the activities and outputs; 2) impact monitoring concentrates on the immediate objectives; 3) reporting concerns the concrete (narrative and financial) reports that have to be prepared and submitted periodi ¬cally to the main stakeholders, particularly donors. Project manager will ensure the organization’s personnel trained in using the new system are comfortable with the new system. The new system produces a report reminding the billing and coding staff when certain patients are eligible for billing. Conclusion Organizations all over the world work hard to streamline the daily operations. These daily functions affect the bottom line. When an organization is evaluating the internal functions, an analysis helps determine areas that may need adjustments and in some cases a completely new system to meet the organizations goals. This is where an analyst is most useful. An organization performs an analysis of the existing system to determine if changes will benefit daily operations. The analysis performed must be accurate and reliable. The analyst may utilize many different methodologies when gathering the necessary information in order to make the right recommendation. The analysis may contain personal face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, prototypes, use cases, direct observations, brainstorming, or any combination of methodologies. The actual design of an effective new system takes time and understanding. The analyst needs a clear understanding of the organization’s ultimate goal. The final system implementation requires management to sustain monitoring and maintenance. Training the proper personnel is vital to the success of any new system. Management is responsible for monitoring system functions, the impact of the new system on daily activities and reporting any concerns to stakeholders. The new home health system implemented has allowed the organization to recover money that would otherwise be lost. The new system also allows managers to monitor and maintain accurate reliable billing and coding of certification and recertification of patients using home health services. Plan over site also billed with the same accuracy and reliability has recovered and maintained money for the organization. Reference Mochal, T. (2008). 10 techniques for gathering requirements. TechRepublic. techrepublic. com/blog/10things Newton. (2013). Systems analysis. http://newton. uor. edu/courses/sysanades/pdf/ anaintro. pdf Thomet, N. , Vozza, A. (2010). Project Design Manual: A Step-by-Step Tool to Support The Development of Cooperatives and Other Forms of Self-Help Organization ilo. org/public/english/employment/ent/coop/africa/download/coopafricaprojectdesignmanual. pdf. ISBN 978-92-2-124168-3 (web pdf) p 76, 4. 1
Friday, November 22, 2019
Employee Context at K wik-fit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Employee Context at K wik-fit - Essay Example Case study reveals that work force is distinctly tiered into hierarchies of grass root workers, supervisors and managers. The main employee and HRM context at K wik-fit is that of employee turnover. This context can best be classified as a problematic context as the employee turnover has been very rapid at K wik-fit.Figues reported in the case study indicate that in the K wik-fit's Lanarkshire call center the employee turnover used to be as high as 52 percent. In the year 2001 such high employee turnovers used to translate into vacancy rate as high as 21 percent. This used to present three fold HRM problems. There was a colossal waste of organizational resources invested in training and upgrading employees who only decided to quit soon after receiving such training. Two, an equivalent effort and resource deployment was required to fill the resulting vacancies and three resources had to necessarily deployed yet again to train and upgrade the new recruits. This results in adverse impac t on employee productivity and continuation of the organizational work and, in the final analysis, impacts overall company results and profits. The main features of K wik-fit's human resource strategy center on two core concepts found in any human resource management strategic move. These are: one, analyzing in the work environment the possible factors responsible for employees' rapid turnover and removing such factors as far as possible, and, two promoting intra organizational conditions and tie ups which would help motivate the workers to high productivity and enthusiasm. The results of this two fold human resources management programme ,adopted in K wik-fit in stages, has been astounding enough to give it an industry award for human resources management. Factually the stage one of the human resources management initiate has brought down the employee turnover rates from the high of 52 percent to 34 percent with another 2 percent fall being achieved in a matter of couple of months. The initiative has been so successful that t even helped halt employee turnover in the month of January where turnover used of be highest. Even in this month the employee turnover instead of rising over the annual average continued to plummet indicating deep impact of the human resources management initiative. A closer look at these initiative clearly reveals that two sets of human resources tactical moves can be identified separately i.e. one that improves work environment for employee and helps boost their motivation and two that offer to help employees solve work related issues and problems and move to higher productivity and better work standards. In the fact the latter move appears to be an initiation of a system of Total Quality Control (TQM) in the services organization. Behind both tactical moves there is a realization that selling insurance is a complex assignment which is not only monotonous and repetitive but which also requires up to date product knowledge and employee empowerment to meet the challenges posed by growing competition. To top it all such tactical moves have been carefully based upon employee feed back carefully collected earlier on. In the former category one finds that employee motivation is sought to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
England during the 1700s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
England during the 1700s - Essay Example Although these higher-ranking officials were usually more loyal to the English interest than other members of a settlement may have been, their word was not final: in a court, for example, a judge ruling in accordance with English precedent could have his say overturned by a colonial jury. On paper, the British governed the colonies, but in practice the English government was overrun with colonial legislation, as well as the aftermath of its seventeenth-century civil war. Even when the Crown attempted to interfere directly with colonies, for example to combine them, this failed, and even had the opposite effect – colonies split, such as Delaware and Pennsylvania in 1704, and the North and South Carolinas in 1712. British rule was more often than not ineffective, and could easily be swayed according to the wishes of the colonies. 2. What was the theory of mercantilism and its application to British colonies in North America? The theory of mercantilism, which can be strongly lin ked to ideas of nationalism, was a facile but nonetheless popular form of economics; it had a stronghold on economic thought from the Renaissance to the nineteenth century.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Diversity in the Workplace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Diversity in the Workplace - Research Paper Example America is viewed as a land of opportunity and that is something to be proud. This is the reason that America has a great deal of cultural diversity in comparison to other countries. â€Å"The workplace is an extremely important juncture where culturally diverse, first generation employees attempt to immerse and make the transition into the American culture†(Botbol, 2012). Cultural diversity in America has affected the environment in the workplace in many positive and some negative ways. Positive effects of cultural diversity in the workplace in America include but are not limited to variety of cultural, social, and religious perspectives, and the resulting competitive advantage for the organizations while the negative effects include interpersonal conflicts, occasional incidents of racism, and increased load of training and education of the employees on the employers. ... of consumers belonging to their respective cultures and religions so that the top management can have a deeper insight into their needs and address them through their products. For example, Indian employees may suggest the top management to provide separate space for families in the restaurant since Indian families like to dine in privacy. On the other hand, Muslim employees can not only make the top management aware of the importance of offering Halal foods at the restaurant because of its value among the Muslim customers, but also suggest various ways in which Halal foods can be made. In addition to that, â€Å"team members with knowledge of multiple languages can be an asset in a internationally based business or in communicating with certain segments of the domestic population†(Feigenbaum, 2012). Cultural diversity provides the employers with the opportunity to use the more talented employees to train and educate the others which proves more economical as compared to outs ourcing the training and educational services. The organization gets most of the knowledge in-house which saves the time, energy, and money of the business-owners. Competitive Advantage Success of an organization depends upon the popularity of its product among the potential consumers’ population. As America has become more and more culturally diversified over the years, so has its workplace and this generates a positive message to the consumers. Consumers feel like buying the product of an organization when they see their representation in the organization’s workforce in terms of similarity of culture, religion, and social values. Recruiting workers belonging to different cultures and religions has enabled the organizations to gain the trust and confidence of the culturally diverse consumers,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Ruxolitinib for Intermediate-2 Primary Myelofibrosis.
Ruxolitinib for Intermediate-2 Primary Myelofibrosis. Critical appraisal on the use of ruxolitinib for treatment in adult with intermediate-2 primary myelofibrosis. Introduction: Patients with primary myelofibrosis are prone to develop complicated infection due to defect in their humoral immunity. In addition, patients may develop complication such as portal hypertension, splenic infarction (which may lead to nausea, vomiting and shoulder discomfort), osteosclerosis, hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, occasionally periostitis, spinal cord compression, seizures, haemoptysis and gastrointestinal (GI) tract bleeding. (6, 7, 8, 9) In UK, Novartis holds the marketing authorisation for oral formulation. Ruxolitinib works by inhibiting Janus associated tyrosine kinase (JAK1 and JAK2) protein signalling. Ruxolitinib (Jakavi) is licensed for the treatment of disease related splenomegaly or symptoms in adult patients with primary myelofibrosis, post-polycythaemia vera myelofibrosis or post essential thrombocythaemia myelofibrosis but not recommended by NICE.(10) The major adverse drug reaction associated with Jakavi, documented in the summary of product characterisation (SPC) at incidence greater than 10% are urinary tract infection, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, hypercholesterolemia, dizziness, headache, increase both alanine aminotransaminase and asparte aminotransferase, bruising , bleeding and increase blood pressure. Novartis also recorded other common side effect patient experienced incidence between 1-10% was weight gain, flatulence and herpes zoster, whiles tuberculosis incidence was 1%.(3) The following clinical study, COMFORT-I and COMFORT-II trails as well as primary peered review articles Verstovsek S, Masa RA, Gotlib J, et al and Harrison C, Kiladjian JJ, Al-Ali HK, et al published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is used to address the questions below; Evidence recommendation for or against the use of ruxolitinib in Mrs MN treatment Pharmaceutical care plan and medication optimisation for Mrs MN. Creditability and quality of evidence The clinical trial from COMFORT-I was a multicentre (USA, Canada and Australia), phase III, randomised, double blind trial (large sample size, n=309) that compared patient treatment in primary myelofibrosis with ruxolitinib (n=155) to placebo (n=154). All patients enrolled in the trial had intermediate-2 risk or high risk of myelofibrosis, a palpable spleen length of at least 5cm and was 18years or above. Patients excluded were those with an absolute neutrophil count of 1x 109/L or less, platelet count less than 100x 109/L. Incyte pharmaceutical funded this trial.(5) The COMFORT-II trial, was a multicentre (Europe with UK inclusive), phase III, randomised, open label trial that compared ruxolitinib (146) with best available therapy n=73 (hydroxycarbamide, prednisone, opoetin, lenalidomide and thalidomide). The trial was funded by Novartis pharmaceuticals. (4) The primary outcome for both trails was the proportion of patients having a spleen volume reduction of 35% or more from baseline and assessed by MRI or CT scan. The primary efficacy outcome was measured at 24 weeks in CONFORT I and 48 weeks in COMFORT II. Also the COMFORT trail (50% of primary myelofibrosis PM) population of patients with different subtypes of myelofibrosis did not reflect the global prevalence (i.e. PM is 30 times more) data reported. In addition the trials were not powered to measure overall survival or to detect statistically significant differences between subgroups (that is sex, myelofibrosis subtype), IPSS risk category or JAK2 mutation status.(1,2,3,4,5) Patient background verse evidence: Mrs MN creatinine clearance (CrCl) is 60ml/ min (normal about 100-125ml/min). The UK guideline for identification, management and referral March 2006 show that, she has stage 2 mild degree of renal function. But from SPC it is unclear, how this will increase Mrs MN risk of taking ruxolitinib. I must point out that Mrs MN is overweight with a BMI of 28 and ruxolitinib common side effect is weight gain (1-10% incidence rate). Mrs MN is capable of carrying out light house or office work from her ECOG status 1. Again patient is taking clarithromycin prescribed by GP, for possible chest infection. Novartis pharmaceutical (Javaki SPC) advises to treat any infection prior to taking ruxolitinib. (3) Mrs MN presenting complain with symptoms of anorexia, lethargy, night sweats, fever and a productive cough is a suggestive of tuberculosis (TB) infection. She is returning from holiday where risk of getting TB infection is high. If Mrs MN is prescribed ruxolitinib, she has high chances of developing complicated TB. Base on the evolution of patient background and evidences, I will not recommend ruxolitinib treatment for Mrs MN. Since Mrs MN will be receiving treatment for tuberculosis (isoniazid/ rifampicin) for at least 6 months, there is significant interaction between isoniazid and clarithromycin. Isoniazid will increase the level or effect of clarithromycin by affecting hepatic or intestinal enzyme CYP3A4 metabolism. Hence clarithromycin dose be reduce when taking with isoniazid and monitor closely. (4, 5, 11) If opting for rifampicin TB treatment, rifampicin will decrease the level or effect of clarithromycin by affecting hepatic or intestinal enzyme CYP3A4 metabolism. Hence, increase the dose of clarithromycin for the duration of treating chest infection.(11) Also, Mrs MN should be advised to recognise signs of liver disorders to discontinue treatment and seek immediate medical attention if symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, malaise and jaundice develop. (11) References: Verstovsek S, Masa RA, Gotlib J, et al. A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trail of Ruxolitinib for Myelofibrosis. The New England Journal of Medicine.2012; 366(799): 807. Harrison C, Kiladjian JJ, Al-Ali HK, et al. JAK Inhibition with Ruxolitinib versus Best Available Therapy for Myelofibrosis. The New England Journal of Medicine.2012; 366(787):98. JAKAVI, Summary of Product Characterisation. Novartis Pharmaceutical Ltd, http://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/medicine/26991. [Assessed on 07/02/2015] JAKAVI (ruxolitinib), COMFORT-II Clinical Study Fact Sheet. file:///F:/Appraisal%20Assignment/COMFORT-II-ClinicalTrial-fact-sheet.pdf. [Assessed on 08/02/2015]. .JAKAVI (ruxolitinib), COMFORT-I Clinical Study Fact Sheet. file:///F:/Appraisal%20Assignment/Jakavi.pdf. [Assessed on 08/02/2015] Heuck G. Zwei Falle von Leukemie mit eigenthumlichen Blutresp. Knockenmarksbefund. Arch Pathol Anat Physiol Virchows. 1879;(78)475-96. Barosi G. Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia: diagnostic definition and prognostic classification for clinical studies and treatment guidelines. J Clin Oncol. 1999;17(9):2954-70.. Vallespà T, Imbert M, Mecucci C, Preudhomme C, Fenaux P. Diagnosis, classification, and cytogenetics of myelodysplastic syndromes. Haematologica. Mar 1998;83(3):258-75. Jacobson RJ, Salo A, Fialkow PJ. Agnogenic myeloid metaplasia: a clonal proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells with secondary myelofibrosis. Blood. 1978;51(2):189-94. NICE, Ruxolitinib for disease-related splenomegaly or symptoms in adults with myelofibrosis http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ta289/evidence . Assessed on 11/02/2015 BNF 68 September 2014 to March 2015. Joseph Appleton K0606850 Group 3Page 1
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Physics of the Ollie Skateboard Move :: physics skateboarding trick tricks
Missing figures Brief History of Skateboarding. In the beginning, skateboarding consisted of a 2x4 and some old roller-skate wheels. Around the 1950's with the boom in the surfing popularity, skateboarding became more popular. During this time it was known as sidewalk surfing. In the 1960's is when skateboarding really took off. This is when the first skateboards were produced and sold. During this time period skateboarding consisted of cruising around the streets on your board. In 1978 a 15 year old boy by the name of Alan "Ollie" Gelfand invented a trick he called the no-hands air. His friends named after him the ollie. This was a ramp based trick. In the coming years a rider by the name of Rodney Mullen took the trick and applied it to flatland skateboarding. After this point skateboarding began to evolve in to the sport it is today. Virtually every trick in the modern day skateboarding involves the ollie. When a skateboarder rolls down the street they have forces acting in the X and Y direction. The forces that I will focus on are only in the Y direction. As a skater rides down the street there are three forces acting on the skateboard. The red arrows in the image indicate the force of gravity on the mass of the skater(Mg). The black arrow represents the force of gravity on the skateboard(mg). The blue arrows are the FN or natural force of the ground pushing up on the wheels of the board. These forces have a net force of zero. Sum of forces in Y: Mg + mg - FN = 0 As the skater prepares to ollie they lower the center of gravity by bending at the knees and waist. Next the skater will begin to explode in the positive Y direction by pressing down on the tail of the board. The red arrows now have an uneven distribution to the tail of the board causing lift on the nose. All of the FN is now pushing up on the rear wheels. At this point the skater is has applied a large downward force on the tail causing the board to pop or bounce off of the ground. The downward force applied is greater than the force of gravity allowing the board to begin leaving the ground.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Looking For Zora by Alice Walker Essay
In her essay Looking for Zora, Alice Walker ventures out to Eatonville Florida to find out more about Zora Hurston. Walker masquerades as Zora’s niece and goes around inquiring on what was the cause of Zora’s death, where her grave is currently, and what was she like, alive. Walker argues that the writer’s undignified and unfamiliar resting place is far less important than the memories and influence she has left behind. The main appeal Walker uses is pathos, to evoke empathy in the audience. In a way, it is seems like she has made it a personal quest to get a stone to put on Zora’s grave as a sign of homage for a great author she was. The author shows an element of surprise when she find out that Zora died of malnutrition. In surprise she states â€Å" Hell, our condition hasn’t changed any since Phillis Wheatley’s time. She died of malnutrition!(Pg.401)†This sounds incredulous to her, so she seeks to find out from another cause of Zo ra’s death from a Dr. Benton who was Zora’s doctor. Dr. Benton confirms that Zora died from a stroke. He states â€Å"She had a stroke and died in the welfare home†(Pg. 407). Also we can see that the author uses humor. For example, when she goes to look for Zora’s grave, she yells out at the graveyard â€Å" Zora!..I’m here. Are you?†(Pg. 403). She continues to use humor when she converses with Rosalee as they are looking for Zora’s grave. Walker concludes her visit by buying a monument stone and has it engraved then visits where Zora used to live before her illness and death. I think this was a very interesting piece by Walker. She narrates her journey vividly to show the readers her emotional journey to find out about Zora Hurston. Zora must have been a really interesting person. From the essay, even Dr. Benton kept saying how she always used her mind and she was so intelligent. Today, most scholars, veterans and other people of significance are given a sort of ‘decent’ burial, but Zora had pauper’s funeral without any tombstone, yet ‘alot’ of people seemed to know her. Through Walker’s essay, she emphasizes the fact that Zora did not necessarily identify with one race, white or black, in particular and did not even have a good relationship with her own family. I believe that Walker’s argument had to do with Zora’s admiral ability to identify with cultures besides what many thought should have been her own, black community. I felt that this directly relates to the way in which Zora tried to eliminate the importance of color from her life, although it was an enormous influence on everything she did.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Cinema Industry in Palestine Essay
Cinema Industry in Palestine Essay Cinema Industry in Palestine The cinema industry in Palestine is quite young as compared to the cinema industry in the Arab world. This is evidenced by the fact that most Palestinian movies are made with Israeli and European support. These movies may at times have a biased theme due to the origin of the support used in making of the given movie. Palestinian movies have developed through various stages. These include; The first period between 1935-48. The first period highlights the beginning of the Palestinian cinema industry. The first Palestinian film made in the Palestinian cinema industry was a documentary on the visit of King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia in 1935 to Palestine. The movie basically showed the kings visit to various locations in the Palestinian nation. This movie compiled by Ibrahim Hassan Sirhan, was not highly publicized and resulted to a low profile movie. This movie was followed by several other movies which were unfortunately lost when Jaffa was bombarded. Some movies lost include A storm at Home. The second period: The era of silence between 1948 to 1967. The Naqba (the massive migration of Palestinians) in 1948 was devastating to the Palestinian society. This included all industries and the nascent film industry was not spared. Cinematic activities required infrastructure, finance and well trained crew crews almost ceased operation for period not less than two decades. Palestinians participated in film-production in the neighboring countries. For example Sirhan was involved in the production of the Jordanian film, The Struggle in Jarash,(1957). During this period Palestinian cinemas were affected by lack of necessary infrastructure and negative attitude to what was viewed as a western idea clipping into Palestine. The 3rd period of cinema in exile, 1968-82. After 1967, the Palestinian cinema was found under the patronage of the PLO and sourcing their funds from Fatah and other many Palestinian organizations. This film festival held in 1973 in Baghdad was aimed at promoting the Palestinian cinema industry. Various organizations created archives for the newly produced Palestinian films with the largest archive being run by PLO's Film Foundation. In 1982, Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was forced out of Beirut resulting to loss of the archive under unclear circumstances. The fourth period: 1980 to the present. In the 1996 drama, the Chronicle of a Disappearance received international recognition and thus becoming the first Palestinian movie to receiving national release in the United States. A performing film for its kind, the movie won the "New Director's Prize" during the Seattle International Film Festival and the "Luigi De Laurent is Award". In 2008 international efforts were launched to reopen Cinema Jenin, a cinema company located in Jenin Refugee Camp. In 2010, the governing authority of the Gaza Strip Hamas, announced the completion of the film. The Great Liberation which depicts destruction of Israel by Palestinians. Currently, the cinema industry especially in the Gaza street faces major regulations from the governing authority with the requirement that the cinema produces items that only follow or support Hamas edicts.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Sir Thomas Mallorie essays
Sir Thomas Mallorie essays While Mallorie wrote one of the most famous works of illusion, not many people have heard about Sir Thomas Mallorie. Even to those that do know him, not much is known about his actual life. It is known that the English knight Thomas Mallorie (also spelled Malorie, Mallory, or Mallorie) lived in the 1400s, being born anywhere from 1405 to 1410. It is most likely that he was from Warwickshire, and belonged to an old family of Warwickshire. Malorie was knighted in 1442, and became a member of parliament in 1445, when he was around 30 years old. He died on March 14th, 1471, while imprisoned in Newgate Prison. During his life, Sir Mallorie had been imprisoned at least eight different times. Sir Thomas Mallorie, author of the most famous and influential prose legends of King Arthur, the title Le Morte d Arthur is taken from the epilogue of William Cantons landmark illustrated edition of 1485. The epilogue tells us that this book was ended the ninth year of the reign of King Edward the fourth. Le Morte d Arthur was written in English and consists of eight tales in 507 chapters in 21 books, arranged by Caxton, for clarity of understanding. This book is the basis of most modern tellings of the Arthurian story and was the inspiration for Tennysons Idylls of the King. Mallorie mentions most nearly to himself as the knight-prisoner, which leads people to believe that most, if not all of Le Morte d Arthur was written as his days slowly passed him by inside Londons Newgate Prison. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
NBA- National Basketball Association Research Paper
NBA- National Basketball Association - Research Paper Example Not only is the NBA among the four main North American professional sports leagues but its players are also the world’s most lucratively paid sportsmen, going by the average annual salary per player. Many attribute the success of the NBA to its culture and the manner in which it has managed to integrate its culture to its operations and goals, as will be seen in the discussion which ensues forthwith. First, it is important to consider the fact that the NBA has a wide culture, with this wideness taking on both formal and informal aspects. The formal culture of the NBA has mainly been consistent with the organizational policies, while the informal one has mainly been subject to socio-cultural preferences. According to Maymin, Maymin, and Shen (2011), to show for the similarity between NBA and business culture, NBA has also used creations and mergers to extend itself. Having been founded in 1946, the Basketball Association of America merged with NBL on August 3rd, 1949. This deve lopment culminated into the creation of the National Basketball Association. To extend its interests further, NBA has used franchising as its business culture. NBA in 1949 had 17 franchises that at the time were located in large and small cities, and large and small arenas. Through the 1950s, NBA consolidated its 11 franchises. In a closely related wavelength, it is important to note that NBA has also used contraction to move its franchises that had been located in smaller cities to get to larger cities. For instance, it is against this backdrop that the Hawks moved from Quad Cities to Milwaukee, then to Missouri, St. Louis, while the Royals moved from Rochester, New York, to Cincinnati. In the same respect, Pistons moved from Indiana (Fort Wayne) to Detroit in 1957. The culture of merging, franchising and contraction started from the need to expand. The growth of NBA into national and regional importance and the global recognition of NBA as the principal basketball league in the Un ited States underscore the success of these management cultures- franchising, merging and contracting. One of the informal cultures of NBA is its identification with the African American and hip hop culture. The fact that rappers such as Sean Carter and Cornell Iral Hayness Jr. are major stakeholders in NBA teams (namely, Charlotte Bobcats and Brooklyn Nets respectively), underscore this. In like manner, a number of artists have managed to wear NBA throwback jerseys in their music videos. Likewise, NBA plays hip hop and rap music in basketball arenas during games. As if this is not enough, NBA video games NBA Live, ABC-ESPN and NBA 2K use hip hop music in their soundtracks and coverage. Some of the players in NBA have rapped or tried to rap, with Shaquille O’Neal, Tony parker, Kobe Bryant, Chris Webber, Allen Iverson and Metta World Peace serving as examples of these basketball-players-cum-rappers. It is also not at all uncommon to find several NBA players who act or dress in ways that are consistent with rap and hip hop culture. It is for this same reason that many NBA players and members wear jewelry and spot tattoos, both inside and outside basketball courts. A. Maymin, P. Maymin, and Shen (2011) contend that the close affiliation between the NBA and hip hop culture dates back to the late 1970s. This development follows the fact that the 1970s fall within the Cold
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Privacy protection policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Privacy protection policies - Essay Example Truthfulness. Journalists need to demonstrate truthful, reliable information. This means refusing from false or made-up reports. This may oblige news journalists by representing the facts as well as the setting encompassing them. Truthfulness presupposes cooperation between a reporter and an organization for which he works (Media ethics).Clashes of interests. Sometimes the interests of corporation that owns media may contradict with the information reported. It requires from journalists to be cautious and objective with information. Sometimes it is rather difficult not to give favors to the employer company, however, journalists have to mind objectivity before personal interests.Sensationalism. Media in some cases underline the news that is capturing yet insignificant. This happens when news organizations strive to attract new audience and satisfy crowds more than investigate the urgent issues of the day. This can happen in light of the expanded pace of the news business achieved by high quality TV, the Internet concentrating on benefits. Photographs. Photographs could be among the most disputable media materials, both due to their content and in light of the fact that they might be adjusted with the help of software (Media ethics).The issue of private information is also very sensitive I media. Private information is the information which is not known to anyone except its owner. The person can expect the facts will not become publicly accessible since they are normally delicate somehow.
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