Monday, August 24, 2020
What is System Development Life Cycle Essay Example For Students
What is System Development Life Cycle? Exposition January 9, 2015HYPERLINK o View all posts by Motea AlwanMoteaAlwanininsight System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a progression of six principle stages to make an equipment framework just, a product framework in particular or a mix of both to meet or surpass clients desires. Systemis a wide and a general term, and according to Wikipedia; Asystemis a lot of cooperating or associated segments framing an incorporated entire its a term that can be utilized in various businesses, thereforeSoftware Development Life Cycleis a restricted term that clarifies the periods of making a product part that coordinates with other programming segments to make the entire framework. Underneath well investigate System Development Life Cycle stages, remembering that every framework is not the same as the other as far as unpredictability, required segments and anticipated arrangements and functionalities: System Development Life Cycle Phases: 1-System Planning The Planning stage is the most critical advance in making a fruitful framework, during this stage you choose precisely what you need to do and the issues youre attempting to fathom, by: Defining the issues, the destinations and the assets, for example, faculty and expenses. We will compose a custom paper on What is System Development Life Cycle? explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Contemplating the capacity of proposing elective arrangements in the wake of meeting with customers, providers, experts and representatives. Concentrating how to improve your item than your rivals. Subsequent to investigating this information you will have three options: build up another framework, improve the present framework or leave the framework for what it's worth. 2-SystemAnalysis The end-clients prerequisites ought to be resolved and reported, what their desires are for the framework, and how it will perform. An achievability study will be made for the venture too, including deciding if its authoritatively, financially, socially, mechanically feasible.itsvery imperative to keep up solid correspondence level with the customers to ensure you have an away from of the completed item and its capacity. 3-System Design The structure stage comes after a decent comprehension of clients prerequisites, this stage characterizes the components of a framework, the parts, the security level, modules, engineering and the various interfaces and kind of information that experiences the framework. A general framework configuration should be possible with a pen and a bit of paper to decide how the framework will look like and how it will capacity, and afterward a point by point and extended framework configuration is delivered, and it will meet all practical and specialized prerequisites, intelligently and genuinely. 4-Implementation and Deployment This stage comes after a total comprehension of framework prerequisites and particulars, its the genuine development process in the wake of having a total and delineated structure for the mentioned framework. In the Software Development Life Cycle, the genuine code is composed here, and in the event that the framework contains equipment, at that point the execution stage will contain arrangement and calibrating for the equipment to meet certain prerequisites and capacities. In this stage, the framework is fit to be sent and introduced in clients premises, prepared to get running, live and gainful, preparing might be required for end clients to ensure they realize how to utilize the framework and to get acquainted with it, the usage stage may take quite a while and that relies upon the multifaceted nature of the framework and the arrangement it presents. 5-System Testing and Integration Bringing various parts and subsystems together to make the entire incorporated framework, and thenIntroducingthe framework to various contributions to get and break down its yields and conduct and the manner in which it capacities. Testing is turning out to be increasingly more essential to guarantee clients fulfillment, and it requires no information in coding, equipment setup or structure. Testing can be performed by genuine clients, or by a group of specific faculty, it can likewise be precise and mechanized to guarantee that the real results are contrasted and equivalent with the anticipated and wanted results. .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb , .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb .postImageUrl , .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb , .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb:hover , .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb:visited , .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb:active { border:0!important; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb:active , .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6720ebd0ca8d2badbc2f035183705fdb:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Carl Gauss Was A Man Who Is Known For Making A Great Deal Breakthrough Essay 6-SystemMaintenance In this stage, intermittent support for the framework will be done to ensure that the framework wont get out of date, this will incorporate supplanting the old equipment and persistently assessing frameworks execution, it likewise incorporates giving most recent updates to specific parts to ensure it satisfies the correct guidelines and the most recent advances to confront current security threats.These are the primary sixphases of the System Development Life Cycle, and its an iterative procedure for each undertaking. Its essential to specify that fantastic correspondence level ought to be kept up with the client, and Prototypes are significant and supportive with regards to meeting the necessities. By building the framework in short emphasess; we can ensure meeting the clients prerequisites before we manufacture the entire framework. Numerous modelsofsystem advancement life cycle came up from sparing exertion, cash and time, notwithstanding limiting the danger of not meeting the clients necessity toward the finish of venture, some ofthesesmodelsareSDLC Iterative Model, andSDLC Agile Model. The best of the bug catching devices Continues improvement and fixing of the systemis fundamental, Airbrake gives hearty bug catching in your application. In doing as such, it tells you with bugs immediately, permits you to effortlessly survey them, attach the bug to an individual bit of code, and follow the reason back to late changes. Airbrake empowers for tocategorize, search, and organize blunders with the goal that when bugs happen, your group can rapidly decide the underlying driver. The time and exertion you saveby catching your errorswith Airbrake is priceless!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Compensation and Benefits - Financial Reward System Term Paper
Pay and Benefits - Financial Reward System - Term Paper Example This examination will start with the explanation that Compensation and Benefits in monetary prize framework are significant for associations since it helps in the efficient association of errands and HR to achieve reasonable development of the association. Employees’ execution and inspiration are relied upon the monetary just as non-money related prizes gave by the association and consequently it very well may be expressed as one of the significant elements to support the presentation of the representatives. A powerful money related prize framework ought to think about the hierarchical structure, its way of life alongside the requirement for connection by the workers, compensating representatives monetarily. It ought to likewise consider that every individual working in the association gets suitable budgetary acknowledgment for their iâ â ndividual just as gathering commitments in the authoritative execution. Occupation assessment is a framework or procedure wherein the co mmitment of a worker is resolved with due essentialness to his/her situation in an association. A decent monetary prize framework empowers the organization’s representatives to get money related acknowledgment for their commitment and occupation job in the association and hence can make a positive effect on the workforce. It merits referencing that the prize framework ought to be managed successfully to positively affect the workers. The yield of occupation assessment is utilized in different fields of an association, for example, for making compensation framework, human asset the executives, and for dynamic in the installments of various employment profiles. The flowchart in the figure speaks to a hypothetical point of view with respect to work assessment. At first, documentation of position ought to be performed to see the total image of each position in the association. Assurance of compensation go considering the market seriousness is another significant advance in work a ssessment process. The exhibition examination framework ought to be all around intended to stay away from imbalance among the workers. At that point an audit ought to be directed to check the above advances and recognize if the objectives are accomplished inside time limits followed by the last assurance of the prize framework. The activity assessment ought to be done reasonably and there ought to be no separation on the ground of sex or different properties. There ought to be equivalent compensation for both male and female. Equivalent compensation for crafted by equivalent worth additionally ought to be considered so as to keep up manageability in the association. Pay review is a technique for gathering data about workers’ compensation for examination of existing pay framework which is utilized to decide the compensation of representatives. Wages are fundamentally paid on everyday schedule to the laborers in any assembling or creation unit. As per the ‘Fair Labor Stan dards Act’ of 1939, compensation are paid based on hours worked.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
How to Spot Franchising Opportunities
How to Spot Franchising Opportunities A franchise is the way to go if you are ready and willing to run and operate your own business but you can’t come up with an original and feasible idea of what the business should be.Buying a franchise is one of the options that come up when people are in the process of brainstorming about setting up a business. However, many of them are very hesitant to pursue this channel because, even if their opening argument sounded good, the idea of a franchise is scary and a bit intimidating. It sounds like a complicated concept. Even the word itself â€" “franchise†â€" sounds complex. © Shutterstock | jabkittichaBurger King. McDonalds. KFC. Subway. 7-11. Ace Hardware. Pizza Hut. These are some well-known names, and you can easily find these businesses anywhere. They also happen to be franchises. The million dollar question is: What do we really know about franchises, and how do we spot good franchising opportunities?THE CONCEPT OF FRANCHISESince many refer to a franchise as an alternative to a business, it is easy to assume that they are different. However, a franchise is actually a type of business, and is operated and ran just like a business, with only a few noted distinctions.Franchising features a scenario where a franchisee â€" often an individual or a smaller business â€" will purchase the license or the right to use the business system of an existing brand from a franchisor, which is often a larger business. This includes the right to use the franchisors brand, logo, products, and even marketing strategies and techniques. Even the advertising tools such a s slogans, signage and posters made by the franchisor may be used by the franchisee. Despite that, the franchisee is still the owner of the franchise business, as signified by the franchise agreement entered into when he paid for the rights. Essentially, large businesses make use of franchising for purposes of expansion. Through a licensing relationship giving rise to the franchise, the business is able to expand its reach, even to external markets, and promote its products, services, and brand.In order to better understand what a franchise is, let us take a more in-depth look at its characteristics.Characteristics of a FranchiseOwnership and controlIn the straightforward definition of a business, we have an entity owned and operated by a business owner or founder and his managers or team of managers. Franchises are a bit unique.In a franchise, there are two parties involved â€" the franchisee, or the party or individual who owns the business and operates it, and the franchisor, or the original owners of the larger business. This somehow implies that the business has two owners. Yes and no. Yes, in the sense that, although the business is owned and operated by the franchisee, it is still governed by certain terms provided by the franchisor.A classic example is a multinational brand or company selling rights to a franchise. Once an individual or entity purchases these rights, the multinational company becomes a franchisor, and the purchaser the franchisee. The individual, as the owner of the rights, will operate the business, but will make use of the business name, logo and the overall business system of the franchisor.Roles and responsibilityWe mentioned that a franchise is a type of business. This means that it is in every right a business. The franchisor enters into a franchising agreement with the franchisee, which means that both are entering a contractual relationship.The role of the franchisor is limited to being an overseer, seeing to it that his brand and methods of operation are being promoted and implemented by the franchisee in accordance with the agreement. He does not have a direct involvement or contact with the customers or the end-users. The franchisee is the one responsible with serving the customers or end-users, not the franchisor.The franchisee, however, should keep in mind that he purchased the right to use the business processes and systems of the franchisor, and not the products and services themselves.Business tools and operationsWhen they entered the franchise agreement, the franchisee automatically earns the right to make use of the business system and tools of the franchisor. In turn, the franchisor will have to provide the systems and tools required, and also provide support throughout the operation of the franchise. After all, if something goes wrong, it is their brand and company name that will suffer the biggest hit.Why Franchise?If you are determined to go into business, then why should you opt for a franc hise instead of striking out on your own and starting from scratch? Or, if that very thought scares you, why don’t you consider buying an existing business instead?To answer these questions, let’s take a brief look at the advantages of entering a franchise agreement with a franchisor and operating a franchise business instead.A franchise lets you operate a business with an established and well-known brand name. This means that you no longer have to work on building the brand and introducing it to the market; the market already knows about it. This also means that you are already entering a market that has a demand for the product or service that you will be selling. The franchisor has already laid the groundwork in terms of market study, so that takes a load off your shoulders.No more trial and error. Those who start a business have to spend the first few months (years, even) to set up a business system in place, test it, and train how to use it. It’s going to be mostly trial and error, because you will have to get rid of the processes that don’t work and focus on those that do. A franchise lets you make use of a proven business system and processes, so there is no need to test it. You will also be trained how to use the system the moment you enter into the franchise agreement, depending on the terms agreed upon.A franchise comes with ready marketing strategies. We already mentioned that the franchisor has conducted market studies, which means marketing strategies are already developed and mostly in place. If you are to implement these techniques, it will likely be at a minimum.You gain the advantage of economies of scale. You will be one among several other franchisees and, if we are talking about a large brand, you’re one in hundreds or thousands of franchisees. This means that you won’t be alone in negotiations for locations, lease terms and other applicable terms. Suppliers, distributors and other parties that you want to work with will look mo re favorably on you because you are part of a large account. MOST SUCCESSFUL FRANCHISES SO FARTo date, the following are five of the most successful franchises in the world:Jimmy John’s Sandwiches: Founded in 1983, this Illinois-based franchise sandwich restaurant chain specializes in sandwich delivery. To date, Jimmy John’s has more than 2,500 locations and counting, and 98% of the business operations are franchise-owned.Hampton by Hilton: Hampton by Hilton is a chain of mid-priced hotels, operating under the umbrella of hotel giant Hilton Worldwide. More than 2,000 Hampton by Hilton hotels are owned and operated by franchisees, making it one of the largest hotel franchises in the United States, and it has also branched out to 16 other countries outside the US in recent years.Supercuts: Hair salons are also getting the franchise treatment, and Supercuts is currently leading the pack. This hair salon franchise boasts more than 2,000 franchises all over the United States since it was opened for franchising in 1979. It has also expanded worldwide through franchises in the United Kingdom and Australia.Servpro: Servpro specializes in disaster restoration, cleanup, repairs and maintenance of properties that have been affected by water and fire damage.It serves both residential and commercial customers. It started in the US, but has also expanded to Canada, having a total of more than 1,700 franchises.Subway:Easily one of the most recognizable brands worldwide, Subway is a fast food restaurant franchise that sells submarine sandwiches and salads, among others. Currently, it has close to 45,000 restaurants all over the world, spanning 111 countries. It is also the largest restaurant operator in the world, and it seems that this won’t change any time soon.SPOT FRANCHISING OPPORTUNITIESNow that you’ve become more familiar with franchises, you might feel attracted to the idea of entering into a franchising agreement instead of starting your business from scratch . There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. However, you have to exercise a lot of caution. This is because there are so many franchising opportunities that may be presented to you, but not all of them are viable or profitable.Just as there are many franchising opportunities that pan out and become successful, there are also many others that fail almost immediately after they are started. Therefore, there is a need for you to be more circumspect when looking for possibilities of a franchise.How do you spot franchising opportunities? Here’s how.Step 1. Determine what you want.Almost all processes that involve making large investment decisions have to start within you â€" the businessman or entrepreneur. You already know that you want to go into business, and you have decided that a franchise is the right route for you. Do you just jump at the first franchise opportunity that presents itself?Of course not. Here are some guiding questions you should answer first.What type of busin ess or industry interests you? This is in keeping with the general concept that you should do something that you are actually interested in, or something that you love.What are the industries that have good or excellent growth potential? Naturally, you would want to steer clear of industries that have no hope of becoming more profitable in the future.How feasible is the type of business in your specific location or geographic area? Of course, even if a certain type of business has massive growth potential, if it won’t work in the area where you plan on setting up shop, you still won’t be able to fully realize that potential.Step 2. Start the search, and search actively.Check out business lists. Business directories, chambers of commerce, and industry groups regularly come up with lists indicating very good franchise opportunities. Look for the updated lists so you can start somewhere and narrow your list down from there.Contact franchise companies directly. An advantage of direc tly communicating with these companies is so that you can immediately ask any and all questions you may have about the franchise. This is also one way to gauge how the franchise company does business. Normally, they would provide all the information that you need. If they tend to be difficult to get information from, or they dole out their information in trickles, you can treat this as a red flag that something is shady. Of course, you should also be prepared with all the questions that you need answers for before reaching out.Do your own preliminary research. Do not simply rely on promotional materials and brochures that are provided by franchise companies. Remember, these are basically collections of information from press releases by these companies, so they are expected to be biased. What you should do is look for third-party materials that talk about the franchise company. Go online to look up articles or publications about the company. You may also spend time at the library to do your research. Find old magazines and publications with articles about these companies.Seek advice from the experts. You can look for an experienced franchise attorney to help you out. Since they are already working in the field, they may have information on what franchise opportunities are currently attractive and worth investing in. They will also be good allies or advisors later on when you do decide on a franchise opportunity and need assistance in getting started.Other experts you should try approaching include professional franchise advisers, accountants, local consultants, brokers, and other established and successful franchisees.Step 3. Evaluate the opportunity.This is where you will do more than just look at the surface. Normally, evaluation will be conducted through additional research, interviews with the franchisors and the existing franchisees, and going through the fundamentals and financials of the franchise company.When evaluating the franchising opportunity, foc us on the following:Product or serviceThese is what will be delivered to the customers or end users. Is there a demand for the product or service? Is the product viable in your specific area or location? The franchisor has already proven a need for the product or service, but is that need and the demand in your geographic area as well?It is important that you believe in the product or service that you will sell in your franchise business. Otherwise, you may end up not feeling passionate or involved in selling them.LocationThis is where the target customers will be, and where your business will be set up. The franchisor will also have a huge say in the site selection. Will their selection coincide with your preference of location?CapitalHow much will you need to get the franchise business up and running? Take into consideration all the fees that you will pay when entering a franchise agreement, and if there are any other added costs that you are expected to incur outside of what was agreed upon. The franchisor will provide you the cost budgets, so that is a good starting point to evaluate your fiscal capability for this venture.ManagementYou may opt to personally run and manage the business, or you may appoint a team to work with you. Either way, you are going to need training that will supplement the knowledge that you already possess.The numbersYou may want to check the financials of the franchise company. What do the numbers say? What is the profitability enjoyed by the franchisor? By the other franchisees? Aside from existing historical earnings statements, you should also look into earnings projections, if available.When perusing the income statements, whether historical or forecasts, do not just look at the bottom line or the net income. You should also try to analyze the other components, such as sales, sales per period, cost of sales, and the various expenditures and costs that will be incurred.Franchisor SupportWhen evaluating franchising opportunities , you have to take a look at the amount of support that the franchisor will provide. What help can you expect from the franchisor?Those who have a good eye for franchising opportunities often look for the following support services:Assistance when it comes to selection and development of business site. Will they aid you in looking for a good site to set up the business?Training for management and staff of the franchisee. Will the amount of training and the length of training period be enough for you and your team to learn the ropes of the business?Marketing and advertising. Will the franchisor provide support when it comes to marketing and advertising? If so, will they provide it only during the initial stages of operations, or will it continue indefinitely?Research and development. The franchisor may be continuously conducting RD for new products and services. Will you also benefit from the results of these RD efforts?Step 4. Go over the Franchise Disclosure DocumentThis is the mos t important document in franchising since it contains most, if not all, the relevant and important information about the franchise company. It also gives you a better and clearer picture on what will be in store for you once you enter into a franchising agreement with the company.Step 5. Look for these signs that a franchising opportunity is a scamThe company refuses to give you the information or materials that you are asking for without signing a franchise agreement with you first.The company requires you to sign a disclaimer that says you won’t be holding the franchisor responsible for any claims or representations made by its representatives, and that are not written on the agreement.The company refuses to provide data or information on other franchisees, and even forbids you to communicate with them.The company makes it appear that the opportunity will disappear fast if you do not grab it today, RIGHT NOW. They are basically discouraging you from making further research into them, and just take their word for it.If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is. If the company makes claims about growth and profitability that seem to be incredible as to be impossible, then it may be just that: impossible. Some may even say that you need not do anything after signing the franchise agreement, and just wait for the money to flow in. That should warn you that it is not a legit business but a scam.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The science of fluid mechanics is neither new nor...
The science of fluid mechanics is neither new nor biblical; however, most of the progress in this field was made in the 20th century. Therefore it is appropriate to open this text with a brief history of the discipline, with only a very few names mentioned. As far as we can document history, fluid dynamics and related engineering were always integral parts of human evolution. Ancient civilizations built ships, sails, irrigation systems, and flood-management structures, all requiring some basic understanding of fluid flow. Perhaps the best known early scientist in this field is Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212 b.c.e.), founder of the field now we call â€Å"fluid statics,†whose laws on buoyancy and flotation are used to this day. A major leap in†¦show more content†¦These differential equations, the Euler equations, are the basis for modern fluid dynamics and perhaps the most significant contribution to the process of understanding fluid flows. Although Euler derived the mathematical formulation, he did not provide solutions to his equations. (Note that Euler is pronounced â€Å"oiler,†not â€Å"yuler†; hence we have â€Å"an Euler equation.†) Science and experimentation in the field increased, but it was only in the 19th century that the governing equations were finalized in the form known today. A Frenchman, Claude-Louis-Marie-Henri Navier (1785–1836), understood that friction in a flowing fluid must be added to the force balance. He incorporated these terms into the Euler equations and published the first version of the complete set of equations in 1822. These equations are known today as the Navier–Stokes equations. Communications and information transfers were not well developed in those days. For example, Sir George Gabriel Stokes (1819–1903) lived on the English side of the English Channel but did not communicate directly with Navier. Independently, he also added the viscosity term to the Euler equations. Hence the glory is shared by both scientists for these equations. Euler can be also considered the first to solve the equations for the motion of a sphere in a viscous flow, which is now called â€Å"Stokes flow.†Although the theoretical basis for the governing equation hadShow MoreRelatedRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesRastafari This page intentionally left blank Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers Ennis Barrington Edmonds 2003 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata KualaRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesand Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. ScobeyRead MoreStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words  | 287 PagesSTRATEGY SAFARI A GUIDED TOURTHROUGH THE WILDS OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT HENRY MINTZBERG BRUCE AHLSTRAND JOSEPH LAMPEL T H E FREE PRESS NEW YORK aJaiz. u.frmiu/i  «...* „.;i†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢/ . †¢ . . †¢. »Ã¢â‚¬ ¢.. . .. †¢..†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢.-.†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢a/itiktSii^i THE FREE PRESS A Division of Simon Schuster Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Copyright  © 1998 by Henry Mintzberg, Ltd., Bruce Ahlstrand, and Joseph Lampel All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. THE
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Machiavelli s The Prince - 1444 Words
Clash of the Egos Today, society goes to great lengths to project the illusion that genuine leadership signifies only a steadfast commitment to upholding the moral and ethical high ground. Culturally, it’s expected that great leaders must be individuals personifying solely the grandest principles of that society, while excluding and condemning the less admired ones. While this conviction is prevalent throughout our society, this belief is most perpetuated each year in the upper echelons our government during presidential and congressional elections, when candidates are asked inane questions about family values rather than political experience and ambitions. On this basis, our society consequently tends to overlook what true leadership is by choosing our leaders only on the basis of moral merit rather than real political accomplishment. With regard to that, in his work, The Prince, Machiavelli offers a contrasting and humanizing view of leadership when he suggests that successful leaders must b e half animal, with equal parts fox and lion. Machiavelli proposes this concept to insinuate that a proper ruler must exist as a courageous and charismatic individual on the surface, but cunning and self-preserving one beneath it. He illustrates this argument through his depiction of leaders possessing an animalistic alter ego, his understanding of a ruler’s behavior, his description of the various forms in which one can acquire power, and his preference over being thought of asShow MoreRelatedHuman Nature1379 Words  | 6 Pagesmany philosophical writers. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Niccolo Machiavelli, in the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality and The Prince, subsequently, talks about this subject. In the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Rousseau talks about the natural human state and is transition to its current civilized state. In The Prince, Machiavelli talks about the nature of humans already in a civilized state. Rousseau s and Machiavelli s ideas on the bes t state of humans contrast because Rousseau believesRead MoreMachiavellian Leadership : The Prince1285 Words  | 6 PagesPrinciples Morally Correct to Use Today? For centuries, the political principles brought forth through Nicolà ² Machiavelli in his writing, The Prince, have been quite controversial both on the political forefront and the mainstream of leadership training. Though most people do not know that they are fighting battles over the principles brought about in the writing of Machiavelli. The Prince was written in the years following Machiavelli’s time in the political scene, as secretary of the seigneur, duringRead MoreThe Prince, by Machiavelli Essay1446 Words  | 6 PagesNiccolà ² Machiavelli – philosopher, patriot, diplomat, advisor and statesman. He was born as the son of a poor lawyer in 1498, but he never let boundaries restrict him. He still received an excellent humanist education from the University of Florence and was soon after appointed as the Second Chancellor of the Republic of Florence.2 His political importance to Florence would soon give him the opportunity to write what is disputed as one of t he most significant works in history, The Prince. For fourteenRead MoreA Connection to Real Life Events; King Henry V 1450 Words  | 6 PagesCertainly, after reading the play titled King Henry V originally written by William Shakespeare and edited by Andrew Gurr, I concluded that certain situations in this book correspond to several aspects in this world. For instance, it can connect to many events that occurred during the 1590s, the time period in which this play was written. On the other hand, it correlates with other compositions that were read in class such as The Prince, but more importantly this play undoubtedly relates to my life. EvenRead MorePower, Authority, and Accountability in Politics 1954 Words  | 8 Pagesvoting for them in the next election. (Hoffman, 2011) Niccolo Machiavelli is an important political theorist to look at while studying politics. Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy on the Third of May 1469. Machiavelli was very interested in working in the field of politics. He held many political titles in his life. One such example is when he worked as an adviser to the Borgia family for political matters. [Wheeler, 2011] Machiavelli travelled all over Europe on diplomatic missions; here heRead MoreSummary Of The Prince During The 1500 S1622 Words  | 7 Pagesbeing who is corrupt, devious, and deceptive. Machiavelli is considered to be all of the above. He and Iago both believe in striving for their goals and having a strong ambition for greatness, which in retrospect, sounds like a good trait to have. However, characters that are true Machiavellian’s believe that the end justifies the mean, making them the worst kind of villain. Nicolà ² Machiavelli was most famous for writing the essay The Prince during the 1500’s, which emphasized the need for stability,Read MoreThe Fundamentals of Leadership in the Workplace1373 Words  | 6 Pageshave been leaders and people have debated what makes a great leader. Leadership goes back to the time of the ancient Greeks. During the 1500’s, there was an Italian statesman Niccolo Machiavelli, who wrote The Prince, which he described methods for leaders to use in acquiring power (Leadership 2003). This all led to the recent activity dating to the early 1900’s and what has been developed and used in today’s society. There are many theories of what a leader should possess and the fact that leadersRead MoreEssay about Machiavellian Poltician2964 Words  | 12 Pagessmaller states as opposed to one unified state. In the late 15th and early 16th centuries a man by the name of Nicolo Machiavelli reflected the actions of famous men and their assent to power in his book The Prince. If Machiavellis advice was followed, a ruler could almost guarantee success. But perhaps the first politician in the modern world to follow the advice of The Prince, was a man by the name of Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck. Otto von Bismarck was born on April 1st 1815, in SchonhausenRead MoreBismarck: Machiavellian Poltician3108 Words  | 13 Pagessmaller states as opposed to one unified state. In the late 15th and early 16th centuries a man by the name of Nicolo Machiavelli reflected the actions of famous men and their assent to power in his book The Prince. If Machiavellis advice was followed, a ruler could almost guarantee success. But perhaps the first politician in the modern world to follow the advice of The Prince, was a man by the name of Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck. Otto von Bismarck was born on April 1st 1815, in SchonhausenRead MoreRealist Analysis : The Russian Crimean Crisis2260 Words  | 10 Pages Modern philosophy considers realism as a fully broad term which consists of several movements all showing a unity when it comes to Political realism. On top of the realism founding thinkers overlies the famous names of Thucydides, Hobbes and Machiavelli. Those famous realism thinkers believe that the international world is an anarchic system which guides international relations. This one concept above many others explains the seen actions of any state and the never ending pursuit of power. In
The War Against Terrorism Free Essays
Stan Mihaylov Dr. Reichert ENGL 1102 2/15/2011 The War against Terrorism Military actions are the greatest folly which mankind has ever created. Since the creation of the human race, there is a trend that the stronger nations impose their power and will over the weaker nations. We will write a custom essay sample on The War Against Terrorism or any similar topic only for you Order Now If in ancient times wars were happening primarily to take on new territories and resources, it was sufficiently clear and justifiable for a whole nation to stand behind that idea. However, wars nowadays are provoked by vague and unjustifiable reasons. The modern world as I see it is against fighting in wars, but at the same time it spends huge amounts of money for the creation of weapons and military supplies. Today every nation imposes peace, but with a big army behind its back. The scars of the past few wars have not been erased yet – wars which have been called World Wars for their scale. World War I broke out in consequence of the poverty of one otherwise strong nation – Serbia, World War II happened because of the ambition of one otherwise â€Å"normal†man who believed that the people with blonde hair and blue eyes are the dominant race. Unfortunately, these two are the most significant events for the whole 20th century. The century in which we live right now, the 21st century, will not remain bloodless either. The war of our century is only one, and it is called â€Å"The War against Terrorism. †What is actually terrorism? Terrorism is hatred to man and to mankind. Terrorism is a violent war against the civilians and its goal is to cause fear in the society and to attract the media’s attention. There is international terrorism as well as domestic terrorism. Domestic terrorism is when a single person or a group of people go out and kill random civilians. A good example of domestic terrorism is the Anthrax attacks in 2001 and the Texas cyanide bomb attack. Terrorists have changed the means by which they achieve their goals. Until 9/11 even the best specialists on terrorism couldn’t have guessed that the terrorists will use planes full of civilian passengers as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers. I will always remember that day 10 years ago when the terrorists killed more than 3000 people. I was back in Bulgaria, a year before me and my family moved to the United States. It was a beautiful afternoon around 5pm and I was watching TV when all of the sudden the show stopped and the World Trade Centers appeared on the screen. I was wondering what was going on and why they started showing the news, but soon enough I saw a plane hit a building. At first I thought it was an action movie but when the news journalist started talking about terrorist attacks on the United States, I understood what was happening. I will also never forget the thumping sound of people jumping off the buildings and hitting the ground. This was the clearest and also the scariest thing I remember from that sad day. The most natural reaction after the impact on the World Trade Centers is the declaration of war. War against what, against who? Terrorism is not a single person or a nation. The U. S. Millitary attacked a remote and poor country like Afghanistan, but very soon it appeared that the capture of the perpetrators of the attack is impossible. The United States, however, saw an opportunity to capture their oil reserves. Such a powerful country as the United States soon brought in the whole world into its own war but it calls it under a different name – â€Å"The War against Terrorism. †This put the start of a massive production of weapons and supplies. Just the United States alone spend more than $1. 8 billion a week against the fight with terrorism (Msnbc. com). Just a month after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, President George Bush created the first institution against terrorism called the Office of Homeland Security whose main objective is to prevent terrorist attacks. Can the war on terrorism ever be won? I think there is no way because â€Å"violence brings more violence. †This cliche is true, and it also uncovers the truth about the war against terrorism. It’s like trying to extinguish a fire using gasoline. The more violent the attacks against the terrorists, the more violent their revenge will be. The terrorists have many followers around the world. In the developing countries of the Middle East, the children learn to shoot a gun from a very young age, learn about the various explosives, as well as the electronic mechanisms used to make detonators. These abilities combined with the hatred for the west, and more specifically the United States, are a very dangerous combination for the making of a huge army of terrorists. They are willing to die for their cause. There are people who don’t appreciate their life. The death during a fight is their way to happiness. One of the many reasons for which terrorism exists is because the democratic, richer countries in the world try to push their views on the poorer Middle Eastern ones. The people in those countries don’t really have a point in life because no matter what they do, they will still be poor and that’s why they decide to take revenge and join the terrorist groups. They think that it’s some other country’s fault that they are in this situation which is not necessarily true. And because they have been told from young age that when they die they will go to a happier place, they don’t even hesitate about doing it. Children on both sides of the world are brainwashed from very young age. In the United States, children are told that the Middle Eastern countries are a bad and dangerous, whereas the children in the Middle East are told that the United States are the bad guys. The war against terrorism is a very harsh one because there are also countries which openly support the terrorist actions – Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. They supply the terrorists with shelter, weapons, and financial aid. Another incident that shaped the way I see this war is when I saw a video how an U. S. Army helicopter attacked civilians in Iraq. The video caused a lot of chaos around the United States’ government because they wanted the world to think they were the good guys. The video basically showed how an American helicopter attacks civilians in Iraq, not terrorists. It was very graphic and when I watched it, I thought about how unforgiving war was. The terrorists killed a lot more civilians on 9/11 but is it right for the U. S. Army, which is supposedly on the â€Å"good side†to go and kill random people? I think this is where the mythic reality comes into play. The United States wants the world to think they are the good guys, and because of the attacks on 9/11 they accomplished that position. This gives the United States a reason to do whatever it wants with the civilians from the countries of the Middle East. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that what the United States does is bad or wrong. If somebody attacks, and there is no way to solve things peacefully, war comes into play, but it wouldn’t it be a lot better if the U. S. Army was to seek the ones who arranged the attacks on 9/11, not some random civilians who have no idea what is going on? Terrorism is not just going on in the United States, it is a global thing in which involves almost every nation. After the attacks on 9/11, most of the airports around the world created stricter security rules. The recent attack on the airport in Moscow, Russia also killed more than 30 innocent people. It is not for sure if it was one of the Middle Eastern terrorist groups, but it was a terrorist act nonetheless. Schoen, John W. â€Å"How Much Is the War in Iraq Costing Us? †Msnbc. com. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/15377059/ns/business-answer_desk/. How to cite The War Against Terrorism, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Lord Of The Flies Play Essays - Fiction, English-language Films
Lord Of The Flies Play 29/1/00 M3 Lord of the Files( Review) The theatre version of ?Lord of the Flies' based on the novel by William Golding and adapted by Nigel Williams are now being presented in the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith, London. Tickets cost about ?7.00. This review is comparing the book and how Nigel Williams adapted it. The theatre version of ?Lord of the Flies' is very good. Interesting and always in the climax. The actors are not little kids and there are not lots of them. There are only 8 actors. Some of the actors take 2 or 3 roles. The adult actors acted like a bunch of kids, which was very effective. The way the stage is set out was terrific, the moves around and about on the stage were really planned out well. The stage is a wrecked plane broken in to 2 parts. Actors used up all the stage. See diagram. For example when it is the mountain scene the fire on top of the shelter is lit up and the movable part is facing towards us with the highest point towards the audience. When simon is running down the mountain the movable parts were facing with the lowest point towards us so that it creates a downhill effect. Piggy was a very good actor. The person who took the role of piggy really sounded like piggy.(cockney accent). Some of Piggy's lines were cut out and the way the Piggy died was totally different. Ralph was played by a good actor. The actor was really active, hyper, and was very childlike. He was serious and sometimes fun like in the book. Jack was not what I expected. The entrance of the choir was very good but Jack's voice was just to high pitched and annoying. If Jack were a bit more serious and manly he would have been the perfect actor. Jack sounded too childish. Simon was a very good actor. He was interesting. I taught that the actor had the potential to be like Ralph but because he plays Simon he doesn't talk that much. The way he did was very good and interesting. The others chased him so that he is going up the mountain but then he gets killed. They move the movable parts and the body slides down for jack to take off stage. Overall the play was very good just as the book. Bu if you're lazy and don't like reading this is highly recommended. But still it is recommended to every one ages 13 - as old as the oldest person in the world. Bibliography the Play Production in the lyric theater in london
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Fringe of leaves essays
Fringe of leaves essays Recently there have been huge concerns over the excessive use of water in Australia and the resulting impact on our environment. We all realize that it is necassary to preserve our water, especially since we live in the dryest inhabited continent. there are many ways that science can help us to do this. Technology can help us to recycle waste water, storm water and rain water. what can happen is that there can be different systems for certain things that require water. this is allready often used in the home when basin water is reused in out toilets, a very clever idea since each flush of the toilet uses about 11 L of water! Much of our water is supplied by the murray river. infact we are incredibly relient on it as it supplied water to.... towns and cities. But abuse and over use have left the murray damaged and the water flow disturbed. To help fix this problem it has been decided to drain a lake to help replenish the murray water flow. This is dirrectly related to science as i can't imagine it would be easy to transfer all that water without the use of very tecnologically advanced machinary. Plus scientists of many kinds to ensure the ecosystem isn't disrupted, especially a hydrologist to moniter the flow and determine safe amounts of water input and so on, as well as marine biologists to study the possible effects on the wildlife. Science has recently been used in the Yarra Valley to help conserve our water. Tiny little sensors (called micro eletrical sensors) have been invented that can be placed at strategic places around a property that pick up all kinds of information such as wind speed and direction and air and soil moisture. this will help farmers to grow wine with less water and chemicals as they will know where irrigation is needed, often in advance. These sensors used to be big and expensive, but this newest model is a huge feat due to its size (4mm square) and lesser cost ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
How to obtain your dream job These tips and tools will help you
How to obtain your dream job These tips and tools will help you Your dream job might just be around the corner, how exciting is that? The fact that you’re reading this article probably means that it’s closer than you think. However, securing a job is renowned for being one of the most difficult things to do in this day and age, and that’s just securing any old job! To help you land your dream job, here is a list of tips and tools that can help you nail the company’s recruitment process to get you the job you deserve to be in.Be ready for anythingIf you’re proactively job searching right now, it’s important that you make sure that you’re ready to apply at any time. According to LinkedIn statistics, you’re 13% more likely to secure a job if you apply within the first three days. This means you need to be ready to go at a moment’s notice.Stay motivatedBefore going any further, it’s important to note that you’ll need to stay positive throughout the entire job application pro cess. You might not get the first pick for the job you wanted, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t find your dream job. There’s plenty of companies and businesses out there with similar jobs; it’s all about finding the right one for you.Richard J. Davis, a motivational writer for Paper Fellows, explains, â€Å"It can be very disheartening when you don’t get a job that you applied for, but you think it could have been the one. However, you don’t need to get yourself down about it. Instead, pick yourself, write a list of reasons why you think you didn’t get the position this time and don’t do it again!†Ensure your CV reads wellWhile on the subject of reading through your CV to ensure that all the little details are accurate, make sure that you’re also on the lookout of your sentence structure. This means checking your grammar to ensure that your sentences flow nicely and your potential recruiter can absorb your inf ormation easily.If a recruiter is finding it too hard to read your CV, the chances are that they’ll simply dismiss it. To refresh your knowledge of grammar, head over to State of Writing for the most up to date guides and resources.Ensuring your CV is accurateImagine you were the recruiter in charge of recruiting for your dream job. Imagine you were reading through every application and CV and you get to yours. If it was full of spelling mistakes, typos and errors. Would you put you into the next recruitment stage?The chances are that you probably wouldn’t unless you were bad at your job. According to statistics, about 1 in 3 CVs have typos so it if yours was perfect, you’re very likely to stand out from the crowd.It’s vital that you proofread your both your CV and your cover to ensure that every detail is perfect. This will give you the best chance of securing your place in the interview stage. For editing and guidelines on proofreading your work, get a CV writing help.Networking is essentialIf you don’t have LinkedIn and you’re on the lookout for a professional job, you need to sign up, now, LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world and no matter what company you want to work for, you can bet your bottom dollar that some of the people you need to know are on there.Once you’ve found the company online, start to follow the people that are in similar roles to you. This will help you to identify several key points, including the company culture, the type of company you want to work for and what type of people the company employs.About the author:Brenda Berg is a professional with over 15 years of experience in business management, marketing and entrepreneurship. Consultant and tutor for college students and entrepreneurs. She believes that constant learning is the only way to success. You can visit her personal blog at
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Life between the city and village Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Life between the city and village - Essay Example No wonder many social interactions and new ventures are initiated in the cities (Leuzzi, 1995). However, despite the fact that the village is less advance than the cities in terms of the social amenities and the advance facilities, the cultural identity is real and this is directly correlated to the attitudes and ideologies of the village dwellers (Klinkenborg, 2003). Village dwellers tend to be more welcoming and friendly. In fact the love that runs deep down the villagers makes them consider everyone around them as a brother or a sister. Village lifestyle is also free of pollution and less overcrowded. The air too is fresh and less polluted that why many village dwellers are considered healthier than individuals from the city (Hillyard, 2007). As a conclusion, life may seem very enjoyable in the cities due to the many opportunities and the social amenities available but village life is likewise unique and less stressful, healthier as it is warm and welcoming to
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Corporate governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Corporate governance - Essay Example ts relation to growth and development of companies and also the scandals that arise where good governance is eliminated and the ways in which these scandals can be eliminated in businesses through proper regulation and legal control. Corporate governance in UK dates back to the growing anxiety in 2002 where corporate scandals had started being experienced in the US. UK set up the Smith committee and the Higgs committee to investigate these failures and the reports were evident of the latent manegiarialism in companies. This raised concerns on integrity of the managerial system of companies. It was argued that high-quality corporate governance was supposed to reduce costs and improve good working conditions of the workers. It was caught up in a scandal in 2008 in which there was an asset scandal which led to loss of value of the bank’s shares. It had a win- win situation where traders who won were rewarded hand those who lost their money to the bank. This was a short term performance that led to the loss of the value. They could have used a much longer term performance. It has been up with a number of controversies e.g. that of environmental pollution particularly in African countries. In 1990 protesters were against the company’s environmental record because of the possible pollution that was caused by the proposed disposal of Brent spar. This was a platform in the North Sea. Shell reversed the decision despite the massive support it received from the United Kingdom government. It maintained that the sinking of the platform would also have done better for the environment than the revised decision. Shell had also another scandal in 2004 of overstatement of oil reserves. This resulted to the loss of confidence of investors and stakeholders for the group. The financial services authority fined them 17million Euros. This also saw the departure of Phillip Warts. In Africa, it has led to environmental issues some of which are very extreme. Many pipes are much
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Essay -- Science Energy Power Papers
Hydrogen Fuel Cell The Hydrogen Fuel Cell could revolutionize the world. This ingenious technology, which creates electricity from the chemical reactions of hydrogen and oxygen has, in its 150-year history, passed many of the critical tests along the path from invention to innovation. Recent developments in fuel cell technology and concurrent developments within the energy and automotive industries have brought the world to brink of the fuel cell age and the hydrogen economy. The future is, however, inherently murky. Fuel cells still face significant technological, political and economic hurdles before they can realize their truly awesome potential. An examination of these hurdles, set to the backdrop of an explanation of the current state of the art in fuel cell technology and the current and developing economic and regulatory landscape, will provide insights into much touted future of the fuel cell. In the near future, the fuel cell will come to play a much more prominent role in the world energy economy. The extent to which this innovation will revolutionize the world will depend on any number of technological, economic and political factors. In order to understand the potential impact and resulting policy implications of the fuel cell, it is first necessary to explain the technology of the fuel cell. The fuel cell utilizes the chemical properties of hydrogen to produce an electrical current. "...[T]hey produce an electric current by intercepting the electrons that flow from one reactant to the other in an electrochemical reaction."1 Fuel cells require only a fuel containing hydrogen and oxygen, usually from atmospheric air, to produce electricity. A fuel cell that utilizes pure hydrogen produces this electricity le... ... Tax leads to burial at sea," New Scientist, 3 August 1996. "English Conference of the Parties," Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change." "Cleaner Energy," The Economist. 18 April 1998. p17. Ibid. Ibid. "Climate Change Information Sheet 24," UNFCCC Climate Change Information Kit. "Emission Summary for CO2 in United States of America," United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change. 11/18/99. The Economist. 18 April 1998. New Scientist, 3 August 1996. "Fill'er Up: With Hydrogen," Reuters, 16 August, 1999. Available on Wired News,,1282,21293,00.html. "Fuel cells meet big business," The Economist. 24 July 1999. Ibid Ibid
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Invisible Man Satire Essay
Nov 12, 2012 – Invisible Man Satire Many of the characters and places in Invisible Man have satirical names that represent the place or character’s importance †¦ Satirical Intent of Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison by Jessica Davis on †¦†¦/satirical-intent-of-invisible-man-by-ralph-ellison/‎ Mar 4, 2013 – Presented by: Jessica Davis Rachel Wolf Dylan Hoover Kameron Smith Satirical Intent Greenwood The Golden Day Liberty Paints Dr. A. NOVELS: The Invisible Man – Library‎ Aug 31, 1998 – The Invisible Man begins with the narrator recalling his grandfather’s last †¦ This book is written as a satire of the myth of American success. Things Left Unseen  Humour in Invisible Man | Authentically Satirical‎ Mar 29, 2012 – I urge you to listen to this song in the background when reading this post, as the song is very famously listened to by the Narrator in the novel. Modern Day Satire – The Invisible Man – Listen and discover music †¦‎ Dec 17, 2009 – Listen to Modern Day Satire – The Invisible Man for free. The Invisible Man appears on the album Astrum Mos Veho Vos Domum. Rock. People †¦ [PDF] Invisible Man Study Guide The Picture Frame The Satire Begins‎ Invisible Man Study Guide. The Picture Frame. Directions: Read the following information before answering the questions. Be prepared to discuss your. SparkNotes: Invisible Man: Analysis of Major Characters †º †¦ †º Literature Study Guides †º Invisible Man‎ Analysis of the major characters in Invisible Man, focusing on their personalities, motivations, relationships, and their roles in the themes of Invisible Man. Tools of Characterization in Invisible Man – Shmoop †º Literature †º Invisible Man‎ Shmoop guide to Tools of Characterization in Invisible Man. Tools of Characterization analysis by Ph.D. and Masters students from Stanford, Harvard, and †¦ What kind of ironic devices can be found in Invisible Man by Ralph †¦ †º †¦ †º Arts & Humanities †º Books & Authors‎ Nov 12, 2007 – Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. Study Guides These links will give you a chapter by chapter summary of the book, character analysis, plot and much †¦ [PDF] The Satire Begins – Chapters 1-2‎ Invisible Man. By Ralph Ellison. THE SATIRE BEGINS. Ralph Ellison uses many of devices available to the satirist. Though they are just a sampling, these †¦
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Examining Change In Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2962 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is the largest telecommunication service provider in Pakistan. It has 30,000 employees and 5.7 million customers. PTCL is the leading Infrastructure Provider to the other telecom operators and corporate customer of Pakistan. PTCL provides a variety of up-to-date home user, corporate and wholesale communication services e.g. telephone, internet, television, video conferencing etc in every part of Pakistan. Geographically the company is divided into: Headquarters, North, South, Central, and West Zones and functionally in Commercial, HR Admin, Corporate Development, Finance, Operations, Technical departments. On 16th august 2010 PTCL employees went on strike against management for not increasing their salaries in accordance with the government decision in 2008.which badly effects PTCL customers, as the whole network was running at its own with no maintenance and operation at all. As a result its after sale and support services for voice, IPTV, DSL, broadband, Wireless Internet and Dial-up became poor. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Examining Change In Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited" essay for you Create order The major loss is in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa due to floods, also the rehabilitation works has not started there due to damaged system, including workers strike. On September 7th, 2010 strike has softened and Salaries and Bonuses were transferred to employees In 2006 a new shift in the ownership of the company has been taken place. Emirates Telecommunication Corporation, a Dubai based Telecom Company commonly known as Etisalat, assumed management control of PTCL as 26% Management Share of largest telecommunication company limited (PTCL) been sold out for some about US$ 2.6 billion. Emirate Telecommunication Company Etisalat Founded on August 30, 1976, the Emirates telecommunications Corporation-Eitsalat-provides telecommunication services to the United Arab Emirates, and is one of the leading service providers in the Middle East. Eitsalat is embracing new technologies, new philosophies and new ways of doing business. Eitsalat was one of the first to introduce mobile telephones in the Middle East in 1982 and launched the GSM Service in September 1994.Mr. Obaid the Chief Executive officer, Eitsalat says that the new Management will take steps for improving quality, reorganization and extension of PTCL service to more areas; he further added that technical staff might be sent to Africa and other countries after imparting additional training to them. Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (Eitsalat) was the highest bidder for the acquisition of a 26 per cent stake in Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Limited (PTCL). This latest win reflects the determination of Etisalat to strengthen its position as t he leading telecommunications company in the region. The acquisition of 26 per cent of PTCL provides Eitsalat International access to the management of the company and a pool of experienced professionals. Subsidiary of PTCL PTCL is the exclusive provider of basic telephony in Pakistan .Besides providing fixed line, value added and other ancillary services, PTCL owns subsidiary that provides cellular services. Since its transformation from a public sector corporation into a publicly listed corporate entity in 1996, PTCL has implemented an aggressive restructuring program, the primary aim of which is to improve profitability through increased customer focus and efficiency and to prepare the company for the highly competitive environment UFONE The company commenced its operations, under the brand name of Ufone, from Islamabad on January 29, 2001.being a part of PTCL the management of Ufone has also been handed over to Etisalat after privatization. During the year July 2005 to June 2006, Ufone keep on getting success. As a result The Company expanded its coverage and has added new cities and highways.Ufone has network coverage in more than 4745 locations and in most part of the country. Ufone successfully completed the network expansion amounted to more than US Dollar 170 million which results in increase in the asset base of the Company from Rs. 20 billion to Rs.27billion.Ufone currently caters for International Roaming to more than 230 live operators in more than 130 countries and introduced International roaming facility for Prepaid subscribers in Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Portugal, Thailand, Cyprus, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, Sri Lanka, Belgium and Kuwait with lowest rates, fea turing no security deposit and activation charges. GPRS Roaming facility is available with more than 115 Live Operators across 85 countries. The company also got a new License for providing cellular services in Azad Jammu Kashmir and Northern Areas. Company Background History of Telecommunication In Pakistan Posts Telegraph Department (PT) was established in 1947 and Pakistan Telephone Telegraph Department (TT) in 1962.The history of telecommunication in the Sub-Continent is as old as the history of our slavery. In the subcontinent, before Independence this sector was under the Indian Post Telegraph Department and developed as a successful industry. The role of telecommunication in Pakistan can be broadly divided into four phases. Pakistan Post Telegraph (PT) This department started its telephone service with only 12346 telephone lines and seven telegraph offices all over Pakistan. All the telephone system at that time was manual. This department worked up to 1962. At the time of independence the postal and telecommunication services were performed by a single department known as Pakistan Post Telegraph (PT). The Government of Pakistan adopted the Government of India Telegraph act 1885 to control and direct the activities of telecommunication. Pakistan Telephone Telegraph (TT) Pakistan Post and Pakistan Telephone Telegraph (PTT) under the presidential ordinance was the first step towards reforms in the telecommunication sector. It was made in 1962, when the Ayub Khans government decided to split up the PT department into two separate departments. Director General headed this department. DG has the decision making power, while the responsibilities were delegated to General Managers and Chief Engineers throughout the organization. The PTT were in fact a civil service department under the ministerial control. The PTT organizational structure had 20 Chief Engineers and General Managers reporting directly to the Director General. At the time of inception of PTC the total number of employees working in PTT was 45686 and the total network comprised of 922,000 telephone lines Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) A major breakthrough in the history of telecommunication in the country occurred with the gradual deregulation and privatization of TT. At the first stage Pakistan Telephone Telegraph Department (TT) was converted into a statutory corporation Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation. On December 15, 1990 the PTT department was transformed into Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation with a legal identity separate from the Government. With Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Ordinance 1991 government open the way for private competition and start awarding licenses for cellular phone and card operated pay phones. With this liberalization 1991 government of Pakistan decided to privatized PTC and use voucher method in 1994 for privatization that later were convertible to shares, total number of voucher was six million that were equal to 600 million shares at the rate Rs. 10 per share. The telecom sector was liberalized but PTCL was still the monopolist of the land line telephone service s. In 1996 Pakistan Telecommunication Company was formed and declared the monopoly for the basic telephony of the country with Pakistan Telecommunication (reorganization) Act 1996(Choudhary, et al., 2008) Four Bodies of PTCL Under the PTC Reorganization Act, 1996 the telecommunication sectors was split into four entities. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) National Telecommunication Corporation(NTC) Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) PTCL was established with a view to undertake the telecommunication business formally carried in Pakistan. Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) was transformed into Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) on January 1, 1996 under Pakistan Telecommunication Reorganization Act, 1996 according to which PTCL took over all the properties, assets, rights and obligations of PTC. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is a regulatory body responsible for monitoring the telecommunication business in Pakistan. It frames rules and regulations for private telecom companies such as Mobile Phone Companies, Internet service providers, paging companies and pay card phone companies. Moreover, issues licenses to the new companies entering into this business. National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) is responsible to provide the telecommunication services to the various departments of government and armed services. Frequency Allocation Board Allocates radio frequency spectrum to the Government, providers of telecommunication services, radio and television broadcasting operators, public and private wireless operators and others. Privatization In December 1990 Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation was established to replace the Pakistan Telephone and Telegraph Department. In 1991 government of Pakistan showed its intention for the privatization of PTC for economic growth of country A consortium was hired for this purpose and as a result of his report government decided to sell out 26 % share capita along with management rights and converted it to limited company (PTCL, Internal Report). According to the privatization session of 1991-1992 12% share of Pakistan Telecommunication have been divested during 1994(Choudhary, et al., 2008; Kemal, 1999). One million exchangeable vouchers have been issued in august 1994. These issues were equal to 100 million shares and each has a value of Rs 10. In September 1994 five million vouchers have been issued to international investors. The value of these issues were $900 million from international and Rs.3 billion from domestic issue while the values of the voucher in first and second issues were Rs.3000 and 5500 respectively. the issues of 26 % management share was still a controversy, the Government continued its mission by issuing Notes with 150 million US dollar worth to international investor in 1997. The Notes were convertible to fully paid A class ordinary shares of PTCL and these were 3.3 % of the total share capital issued. In august 1997 foreign receivable has been securitized successfully obtaining 250 million US dollar to GOP. In 1995 a new financial advisor was hired by Privatization commission for the implementation of strategic sale (26% management shares) but the new governments suspended the services of the financial advisor (Deutsche Morgan Grenfell), and in 1998 hire the M/S Goldman Sachs International to provide advisory services on PTCL privatization (PTCL, Internal Report).The Financial Advisor (Goldman Sachs International) has start working and established a data room at the head quarter of PTCL where all possible information that is related to PTCL were available to facilitate the team. Government approved the proposed policy and decided to complete the Re-regulation by December 2003, major steps has been taken on legal and regulatory measures, PTA granted license to PTML (Ufone) and proposed DSI regulation for tariff and licensing has also been accepted (PTCL, Internal Report). At last in April 2006 control of the Pakistan Telecommunication corporation was handed over to Etisalat(UAE based company), Etisalat assume the control of the company by paying 2.6 billion US dollar to buy 26% share with management right in PTCL. With the control of PTCL Etisalat also assume the control of Ufone, one the top class mobile service provider subsidiary of PTCL (PTCL subsidiary) PTCL also signed a contract with Emaar to provide information and telecommunication technology services to household in Karachi and Islamabad. After this agreement PTCL is the only services provider that offer ICT to two big project of Emaar Pakistan, every household and office will be connected through fiber optics (PTCL, PTCL signed contract with Emaar). Impact on Competition The Re-regulation in telecom sector has positive effects; people now have more Choices and easy access to value added services at cheaper prices. The intensive competition in all parts of telecom sector has momentous decrease in the tariffs of different telecom services. With the privatization and Re-regulation of PTCL many Competitors have entered in Pakistani market. Paktel and Instaphone were entered in Pakistan telecom industry in 1990 and in 1994 Mobilink started its function. In 2001, Ufone, a supplementary part of PTCL entered in the market and in 2005 both Warid and Telenor one by one started their services (uz Zaman, et al.) From the year 2000 there is tremendous increase in the cellular users. Mobilink is the largest cellular company with the highest number of users, compare to Ufone. Currently 79% population in Punjab has mobile phones, 75% in Sindh, 34% in Baluchistan, 63% in N.W.F.P. and overall 73.3% of population in Pakistan enjoying this facility (uz Zaman, et al.).Zong (previously Paktel) has great share in the cellular market. Latest data from PTA shows that Telenor rise to number two and Warid telecom is becoming more popular and capturing market share with the high pace as compare to other traditional rivals. Within 4 year of time Telenor has reached to the second largest cellular mobile company after Mobilink with subscribers of approx.19 million (PTA, Cellular subscriber). With the arrival of competitors there is decreasing trend in PTCL landline and WLL subscribers. In 2000 there were 3.05 million fixed line subscribers and till 2005 there is increasing trend in the fixed line subscribers (5 million fixed line subscribers), but after the year 2005 and with the entrance of competitors its fixed land line subscribers decrease and reached at 3.58 million. This is not just PTCL whose subscribers decrease but also Instaphone and Paktel who lost their market. Instaphone is currently operating with bellow 1% market share in some backward area and Paktel was coming down and down when Zong overtake and buy the company (PTA, fixed line subscribers). This was just due to obsolete technology. A great number of local and foreign companies are competing in Pakistan It includes both fixed line (wired and WLL) and cellular. Although current operator still has monopoly position in fixed line due to its strong infrastructure, yet major competition has been emerged in Wireless Local Loop (WLL) and this market is directing towards full competition with the entrance of some financially strong companies. The Value-added services market, including Internet and Pay Card phones, is already in full competition (Shahid, Shou-lian, Liu). The raise in the number of telecom service subscribers can be linked with the convenience of service and with the growth in the teledensity. Expansion of fixed line subscribers (200,000- 300,000)/year were projected on the bases of construction of new residential dwelling units, new shops for small businesses and registration of new businesses with the Corporate Law Authority (Choudhary, et al., 2008). The subscriber growth and teledensity rate was insufficient before PTC era. Switching TT into PTC and then to PTCL helped the fixed network development, and increase in teledensity. With the introduction of Competition in fixed and mobile line has major impact on the users and the teledensity. The projection by Choudhary, pointed towards the teledensity which was continue to increase for the next 10 years and will reach to its peak up to 2018. At the same time, the growth in internet, WLL technologies broadband and investment in telecommunication sector will also increase with t he slow pace for the next 10 years. (Choudhary, et al., 2008).But the figure available on PTA website shows that there is a decline in the fixed line services from 2006 to 2009. This is just in wired line connection but the wireless local loop has an increasing trend in its teledensity and also subscribers. Source: PTA, Fixed line Subscriber Financial Aspects of PTCL PTCL was one of the Pakistan profits earning Telecom Company. After getting Privatized PTCL is losing its base as its subscription declined from 5.12 million to 4.40 million in 2008.While the revenue declined from Rupees 69085 million in 2006 to RS. 61,085 million in 2008. Similarly the Profit after tax in 2006 was some about Rs. 20777 million while in 2008 there is a loss of Rs. 2825 million. The financial statement shows a continuous growth till 2006 while after privatization the company is facing severe financial shortcomings (PTCL limited). In the last few years the impact of Re-regulation and increase of competition in the telecommunication industry of Pakistan has been increasingly mounting pressure on PTCL. PTCL has launched its profit of Rs. 15.64 billion for the period of 2007 compare to last year profit of 20.78 billion. The decreasing trend in the profit was due to the structural change brought by the competitors in the telecom market. PTCL remain leader in fixed line, however there was decrease in revenue by 5.5% due to huge entry of different telecom companies in the market. There was increase in operation expenses by 11.7% mostly due to systematic developments in the operations and customer service and provisions for doubtful debts. The total revenue for the financial year 2006-07 was Rs.65.28 billion against the previous year revenue of 69.09 billion. The main reasons for the reductions in the revenue are reductions in tariffs and heavy competition in the market. (PTCL, Annual Report 2007) To succeed in this highly competitive telecom market and to meet the increasing challenges, PTCL has taken certain necessary steps for organizational revolution. These steps include Enterprise Resource Planning Packages, introduction implementation of Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS), as well as penetrating new innovated services. However, the profitability of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2008 suffered due to amalgamation of a massive VSS cost amounting to Rs. 23.94 billion. Because of these steps company bears a net loss of Rs. 2.82 billion against previous years net profit of Rs. 15.64 billion. As discussed above the decreasing trend the subscriber and the ultimate affect on the revenue is not just for PTCL but also for two other companies who have the largest share in the cellular market (PTCL, Annual Report 2008). Another reason for the decrease in the revenue is the decrease in the tariff, there is huge decrease in the international tariff from Rs.26/per minute to Rs. 2/per minute so it ultimately affect the revenue.The total revenue for financial year 2007-08 was Rs. 61.09 billion compares to previous year revenue of Rs. 65.28 billion. The decreasing trend in the revenue was due to huge penetration by mobile business and tight market competition. Due to improved operational controls, the Company managed to reduce its operating costs to Rs. 44.7 billion as compared to Rs. 46.6 billion in 2007. The non-operational income of the company is also affected by the huge outflow of the financial reserves in the shape of VSS (Voluntary Separation Scheme). But the implementation of VSS scheme can help the company to understand certain savings in the last quarter against allowances and salaries. (PTCL, Annual Report, year ended June 30, 2008). Source: PTCL, Annual Report, year ended June 30, 2008
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