Thursday, May 21, 2020
The science of fluid mechanics is neither new nor...
The science of fluid mechanics is neither new nor biblical; however, most of the progress in this field was made in the 20th century. Therefore it is appropriate to open this text with a brief history of the discipline, with only a very few names mentioned. As far as we can document history, fluid dynamics and related engineering were always integral parts of human evolution. Ancient civilizations built ships, sails, irrigation systems, and flood-management structures, all requiring some basic understanding of fluid flow. Perhaps the best known early scientist in this field is Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212 b.c.e.), founder of the field now we call â€Å"fluid statics,†whose laws on buoyancy and flotation are used to this day. A major leap in†¦show more content†¦These differential equations, the Euler equations, are the basis for modern fluid dynamics and perhaps the most significant contribution to the process of understanding fluid flows. Although Euler derived the mathematical formulation, he did not provide solutions to his equations. (Note that Euler is pronounced â€Å"oiler,†not â€Å"yuler†; hence we have â€Å"an Euler equation.†) Science and experimentation in the field increased, but it was only in the 19th century that the governing equations were finalized in the form known today. A Frenchman, Claude-Louis-Marie-Henri Navier (1785–1836), understood that friction in a flowing fluid must be added to the force balance. He incorporated these terms into the Euler equations and published the first version of the complete set of equations in 1822. These equations are known today as the Navier–Stokes equations. Communications and information transfers were not well developed in those days. For example, Sir George Gabriel Stokes (1819–1903) lived on the English side of the English Channel but did not communicate directly with Navier. Independently, he also added the viscosity term to the Euler equations. Hence the glory is shared by both scientists for these equations. Euler can be also considered the first to solve the equations for the motion of a sphere in a viscous flow, which is now called â€Å"Stokes flow.†Although the theoretical basis for the governing equation hadShow MoreRelatedRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesRastafari This page intentionally left blank Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers Ennis Barrington Edmonds 2003 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata KualaRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesand Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. ScobeyRead MoreStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words  | 287 PagesSTRATEGY SAFARI A GUIDED TOURTHROUGH THE WILDS OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT HENRY MINTZBERG BRUCE AHLSTRAND JOSEPH LAMPEL T H E FREE PRESS NEW YORK aJaiz. u.frmiu/i  «...* „.;i†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢/ . †¢ . . †¢. »Ã¢â‚¬ ¢.. . .. †¢..†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢.-.†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢a/itiktSii^i THE FREE PRESS A Division of Simon Schuster Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Copyright  © 1998 by Henry Mintzberg, Ltd., Bruce Ahlstrand, and Joseph Lampel All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. THE
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Machiavelli s The Prince - 1444 Words
Clash of the Egos Today, society goes to great lengths to project the illusion that genuine leadership signifies only a steadfast commitment to upholding the moral and ethical high ground. Culturally, it’s expected that great leaders must be individuals personifying solely the grandest principles of that society, while excluding and condemning the less admired ones. While this conviction is prevalent throughout our society, this belief is most perpetuated each year in the upper echelons our government during presidential and congressional elections, when candidates are asked inane questions about family values rather than political experience and ambitions. On this basis, our society consequently tends to overlook what true leadership is by choosing our leaders only on the basis of moral merit rather than real political accomplishment. With regard to that, in his work, The Prince, Machiavelli offers a contrasting and humanizing view of leadership when he suggests that successful leaders must b e half animal, with equal parts fox and lion. Machiavelli proposes this concept to insinuate that a proper ruler must exist as a courageous and charismatic individual on the surface, but cunning and self-preserving one beneath it. He illustrates this argument through his depiction of leaders possessing an animalistic alter ego, his understanding of a ruler’s behavior, his description of the various forms in which one can acquire power, and his preference over being thought of asShow MoreRelatedHuman Nature1379 Words  | 6 Pagesmany philosophical writers. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Niccolo Machiavelli, in the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality and The Prince, subsequently, talks about this subject. In the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Rousseau talks about the natural human state and is transition to its current civilized state. In The Prince, Machiavelli talks about the nature of humans already in a civilized state. Rousseau s and Machiavelli s ideas on the bes t state of humans contrast because Rousseau believesRead MoreMachiavellian Leadership : The Prince1285 Words  | 6 PagesPrinciples Morally Correct to Use Today? For centuries, the political principles brought forth through Nicolà ² Machiavelli in his writing, The Prince, have been quite controversial both on the political forefront and the mainstream of leadership training. Though most people do not know that they are fighting battles over the principles brought about in the writing of Machiavelli. The Prince was written in the years following Machiavelli’s time in the political scene, as secretary of the seigneur, duringRead MoreThe Prince, by Machiavelli Essay1446 Words  | 6 PagesNiccolà ² Machiavelli – philosopher, patriot, diplomat, advisor and statesman. He was born as the son of a poor lawyer in 1498, but he never let boundaries restrict him. He still received an excellent humanist education from the University of Florence and was soon after appointed as the Second Chancellor of the Republic of Florence.2 His political importance to Florence would soon give him the opportunity to write what is disputed as one of t he most significant works in history, The Prince. For fourteenRead MoreA Connection to Real Life Events; King Henry V 1450 Words  | 6 PagesCertainly, after reading the play titled King Henry V originally written by William Shakespeare and edited by Andrew Gurr, I concluded that certain situations in this book correspond to several aspects in this world. 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Machiavelli is considered to be all of the above. He and Iago both believe in striving for their goals and having a strong ambition for greatness, which in retrospect, sounds like a good trait to have. However, characters that are true Machiavellian’s believe that the end justifies the mean, making them the worst kind of villain. Nicolà ² Machiavelli was most famous for writing the essay The Prince during the 1500’s, which emphasized the need for stability,Read MoreThe Fundamentals of Leadership in the Workplace1373 Words  | 6 Pageshave been leaders and people have debated what makes a great leader. Leadership goes back to the time of the ancient Greeks. During the 1500’s, there was an Italian statesman Niccolo Machiavelli, who wrote The Prince, which he described methods for leaders to use in acquiring power (Leadership 2003). This all led to the recent activity dating to the early 1900’s and what has been developed and used in today’s society. 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If Machiavellis advice was followed, a ruler could almost guarantee success. But perhaps the first politician in the modern world to follow the advice of The Prince, was a man by the name of Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck. Otto von Bismarck was born on April 1st 1815, in SchonhausenRead MoreRealist Analysis : The Russian Crimean Crisis2260 Words  | 10 Pages Modern philosophy considers realism as a fully broad term which consists of several movements all showing a unity when it comes to Political realism. On top of the realism founding thinkers overlies the famous names of Thucydides, Hobbes and Machiavelli. Those famous realism thinkers believe that the international world is an anarchic system which guides international relations. This one concept above many others explains the seen actions of any state and the never ending pursuit of power. In
The War Against Terrorism Free Essays
Stan Mihaylov Dr. Reichert ENGL 1102 2/15/2011 The War against Terrorism Military actions are the greatest folly which mankind has ever created. Since the creation of the human race, there is a trend that the stronger nations impose their power and will over the weaker nations. We will write a custom essay sample on The War Against Terrorism or any similar topic only for you Order Now If in ancient times wars were happening primarily to take on new territories and resources, it was sufficiently clear and justifiable for a whole nation to stand behind that idea. However, wars nowadays are provoked by vague and unjustifiable reasons. The modern world as I see it is against fighting in wars, but at the same time it spends huge amounts of money for the creation of weapons and military supplies. Today every nation imposes peace, but with a big army behind its back. The scars of the past few wars have not been erased yet – wars which have been called World Wars for their scale. World War I broke out in consequence of the poverty of one otherwise strong nation – Serbia, World War II happened because of the ambition of one otherwise â€Å"normal†man who believed that the people with blonde hair and blue eyes are the dominant race. Unfortunately, these two are the most significant events for the whole 20th century. The century in which we live right now, the 21st century, will not remain bloodless either. The war of our century is only one, and it is called â€Å"The War against Terrorism. †What is actually terrorism? Terrorism is hatred to man and to mankind. Terrorism is a violent war against the civilians and its goal is to cause fear in the society and to attract the media’s attention. There is international terrorism as well as domestic terrorism. Domestic terrorism is when a single person or a group of people go out and kill random civilians. A good example of domestic terrorism is the Anthrax attacks in 2001 and the Texas cyanide bomb attack. Terrorists have changed the means by which they achieve their goals. Until 9/11 even the best specialists on terrorism couldn’t have guessed that the terrorists will use planes full of civilian passengers as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers. I will always remember that day 10 years ago when the terrorists killed more than 3000 people. I was back in Bulgaria, a year before me and my family moved to the United States. It was a beautiful afternoon around 5pm and I was watching TV when all of the sudden the show stopped and the World Trade Centers appeared on the screen. I was wondering what was going on and why they started showing the news, but soon enough I saw a plane hit a building. At first I thought it was an action movie but when the news journalist started talking about terrorist attacks on the United States, I understood what was happening. I will also never forget the thumping sound of people jumping off the buildings and hitting the ground. This was the clearest and also the scariest thing I remember from that sad day. The most natural reaction after the impact on the World Trade Centers is the declaration of war. War against what, against who? Terrorism is not a single person or a nation. The U. S. Millitary attacked a remote and poor country like Afghanistan, but very soon it appeared that the capture of the perpetrators of the attack is impossible. The United States, however, saw an opportunity to capture their oil reserves. Such a powerful country as the United States soon brought in the whole world into its own war but it calls it under a different name – â€Å"The War against Terrorism. †This put the start of a massive production of weapons and supplies. Just the United States alone spend more than $1. 8 billion a week against the fight with terrorism (Msnbc. com). Just a month after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, President George Bush created the first institution against terrorism called the Office of Homeland Security whose main objective is to prevent terrorist attacks. Can the war on terrorism ever be won? I think there is no way because â€Å"violence brings more violence. †This cliche is true, and it also uncovers the truth about the war against terrorism. It’s like trying to extinguish a fire using gasoline. The more violent the attacks against the terrorists, the more violent their revenge will be. The terrorists have many followers around the world. In the developing countries of the Middle East, the children learn to shoot a gun from a very young age, learn about the various explosives, as well as the electronic mechanisms used to make detonators. These abilities combined with the hatred for the west, and more specifically the United States, are a very dangerous combination for the making of a huge army of terrorists. They are willing to die for their cause. There are people who don’t appreciate their life. The death during a fight is their way to happiness. One of the many reasons for which terrorism exists is because the democratic, richer countries in the world try to push their views on the poorer Middle Eastern ones. The people in those countries don’t really have a point in life because no matter what they do, they will still be poor and that’s why they decide to take revenge and join the terrorist groups. They think that it’s some other country’s fault that they are in this situation which is not necessarily true. And because they have been told from young age that when they die they will go to a happier place, they don’t even hesitate about doing it. Children on both sides of the world are brainwashed from very young age. In the United States, children are told that the Middle Eastern countries are a bad and dangerous, whereas the children in the Middle East are told that the United States are the bad guys. The war against terrorism is a very harsh one because there are also countries which openly support the terrorist actions – Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. They supply the terrorists with shelter, weapons, and financial aid. Another incident that shaped the way I see this war is when I saw a video how an U. S. Army helicopter attacked civilians in Iraq. The video caused a lot of chaos around the United States’ government because they wanted the world to think they were the good guys. The video basically showed how an American helicopter attacks civilians in Iraq, not terrorists. It was very graphic and when I watched it, I thought about how unforgiving war was. The terrorists killed a lot more civilians on 9/11 but is it right for the U. S. Army, which is supposedly on the â€Å"good side†to go and kill random people? I think this is where the mythic reality comes into play. The United States wants the world to think they are the good guys, and because of the attacks on 9/11 they accomplished that position. This gives the United States a reason to do whatever it wants with the civilians from the countries of the Middle East. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that what the United States does is bad or wrong. If somebody attacks, and there is no way to solve things peacefully, war comes into play, but it wouldn’t it be a lot better if the U. S. Army was to seek the ones who arranged the attacks on 9/11, not some random civilians who have no idea what is going on? Terrorism is not just going on in the United States, it is a global thing in which involves almost every nation. After the attacks on 9/11, most of the airports around the world created stricter security rules. The recent attack on the airport in Moscow, Russia also killed more than 30 innocent people. It is not for sure if it was one of the Middle Eastern terrorist groups, but it was a terrorist act nonetheless. Schoen, John W. â€Å"How Much Is the War in Iraq Costing Us? †Msnbc. com. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/15377059/ns/business-answer_desk/. How to cite The War Against Terrorism, Essay examples
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